Hi Every Buddy
Today you is gonna meet da final pack member in my pack.
I has to do dis postee all by my wittle self cause Mom's eye fell out over da weekend. Wells, it didn't exactly fall out but dere sure was an electric lite show goin' on in it. She was really a wittle bit worried butt I told hers it would be A-OK.
Hers went to da eye dogter dis mornin' and he told her da jelly behind her eyeball was becoming de-tacked or sometin like dat. Anyways, it was falling off her retna (or sometin like dat). Hers is goin to be ok's but she can't look at da bright lights for a few days. Dat also means da puter so hers might be really slow helping me visit all my furends in Blogville. Hers can only be at da puter for 10 minutes at a time.
I told her she better get wit da program cause on Sunday we is leavin on our vacation to Michigan. Mee and brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) are da only ones who get to go along. April might come but it depends how she feels. Hers might stay with our dogter just in case her has a problem with her IBD (or sometin like dat).
Anyways....I gonna tell ya'll bout da 9th member of our pack. Her is da last one cause we be known as da
Dat includes da 9 odder members, brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) and of course....
Da 9th member...hers name be
She is a Jack Russell...yeah, anudder one of dose. Her be Bailey's last daughter, and Sarah and Holly's baby sissy.
Her was brought home by Mom and Dad cause no one wanted her. Her lived wit my Auntie Shelly but all da odder puppies got homes except Jennie. Jennie was da RUNT of da litter and very very small. Dey weren't sures dat her would live. Mom and Dad felt sorry for hers and brought hers home to our house at Christmas of 2004. So her is 6 years old now. She is da only one in da pack who is younger den me and brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie).
You could says we grew up togedder.
Me must admit, Jennie be very loving. Her finally grew a wittle bit but not quite as big as da rest of her Jack Russell family.
Here be some flashy beast fotos of da wittle monster.
Now I looked way back in times and found some fotos of Jennie when her furst came to lives wit us at da end of 2004. Mee and brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) wasn't even 1 year old yet...Wee was still babies ourselves. So Jennie and I really did grows up togedder. Here are da early fotos to proves it.
Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie)
and Jennie as a pipsqueak
Dis be Me and da monster
Dis be both of us wit da monster
Dis is me and da monster again
(Note from Max....look how nice and trim da sissy was back den.
Now her be da BIG SAUSAGE BUTT)
(Ok, brudder of mine...dat last remark bout my b-u-t-ful figure was nice except for da last part...not necessary)
Finally, here be a foto of Jennie wit her big sissy, Sarah. Sarah was also a pipsqueak when her was a puppy. Dey could of been twins.
Dat is all for today.
Gotta go check and see if Mom's eye is still in her head or if I has to look for it.
Haves a nice day every buddy!