Da QUEEN OF HEARTS Dance sure was lot of funs.
Me danced and danced me wittle paws off.
Bentley was da purrr-fect date and a real gentleman.
Me hopes to go out wit Bentley again soon.
Me heart will always belong to me WEENIE.
And him sent me some gifts all da way from Rainbow Bridge.
Gots to tell you all bout dem!
Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) had to check da box to make sure no tree rats snuck in.
Ok, what goin on here? Looks like a special package fur Max in dere too.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!
OMD...Look! Tweets!!!
(Butt it says we gots to share wit da pack.....pooh)
Mona wants me to be her Valentine!
{insert red face and bashful smile}
Gotta get this open....maybe Mona be in dere!
Oh look Sissy.....Mona tinks me be
(TWO new stuffies...OMD)
Me still tinks Mona in dere somewhere.
Cute Stuff smells just like hers.
{Sniff sniff}
A card from Weenie. Me misses hims so much.
EEEEEEE.....Weenie sent me him's heart
wit kisses and hugs!
Weenie, where you be???
Do we really gots to share dese tweets??
Mommy and Daddy got a Valentine Chocolate Heart too. (And a HUG magnet fur da fridge)
Daddy grabbed his heart right away and eated it before me could get a picture of it.
(Bad Daddy)
Mommy got dis jellified weenie dog fur her mirror.
And me gotted a very special stuffie dat looks like Weenie.
Mommy said it has to stay on da shelf so no buddy hurts it.
Me luvs you, Weenie Stuffie
Jus look at me special tag wit me name on it...
And love from me Angel Weenie
OK...Weenie says we gotta share....
so gather around, pack.
(Don't be too generous, Dad)
Hey, Dad...Me behind you!
Hey, look back here...
Give me tweets....
PHEW.....At least him didn't empty da box.
Da rest belong to ME!
Thank you, Weenie!
Thank you, Mona!
Thank you, Bentley!