Howdy, Buddies~
Me gots me new puter....
WTH are all those colored boxes for?
Me ASSistant had to goes to da store and get da manual to figures it all out FUR me!
Never saw anyting like it befores!
Technology not be FUR da weak...
(or da stoopid)
A few more nips and tucks and we be all back to normal (?)
{Insert Positive Thinking}
On Anudder Topic...
Me human sissy be back in da hop-it-all again and not lookin too good right now.
Pleeze forgives me if me not leave too many comments right now
Me will still visit ya'll everyday.
(It keeps Mommy sane to have furiends all around us)
And if ya can.....send a little POTP to my sissy. I nose her will feel it and fight to come back to us (and her hubby and kids).
And in case ya'll FURgot what me looks like...
{FURst pic saved on da new puter and it be ME}
LUV and PawHugs!