Howdy Every Blogville Buddy
Mee is still on mee bloggy breaky
Mee had to pop mee teenie weenie head in to say Hellooooo
(so mee furends wouldn't forgets mee).
Furst mee wants to say a BIG thank you to
for da b-u-t-ful new header foto.
(Yes, dat is really mee)
Did every buddy nose dat November is
Well, you nose it now!
My Sissy APRIL is a
And our good buddy, GIBSON
is also an EPI Pup!
And wee has so many good furends in Blogville who get da visits from da ugly S-MONSTER!
Sissy APRIL had such a scary visit almost tree years ago dat her almost went to da Bridge. Her was probably halfway dere when dey sent her back. Her started taking da PEE-medicines and dat last visit from da S-MONSTER probably scared dat old S-MONSTER so bad dat it ain't been back.
Wee is all so tankful for dat!
Now my impawtant message for every buddy!
Gibson's Momma has gathered lots of really, really good informations bout da
S-MONSTER and put it all in a postee. Wee all needs to make note of dis nose...just in case!
(Cause you jus' never nose when you might needs it)
So clicky
to gets all dis good informations
Make sure you watch da wonderfur slideshow at FIVE SIBES wit all our furends who have been visited by da S-MONSTER!
Next, mee wants to remind every buddy dat da holly-days will soon bee here.
Please make sure dat you stop by and visit da
hosted by da wonderful
Dey have helped so many of us, including mee packmate, TUCKER (RIP). So let's all try and pawticipate in da auction so dere good work can continue for our Blogville furends!
to visit da Holly-Day Auction!
Movin right along....dis is
It also be da week to give our furend
Da Bird!!!
for all da Birdy De-Tails!
Dis one's for you, Sarge!
Dis foto is furnished by Da Momma's very good furend in
North Carolina
(Thank You, Furend in NC)
Dis for you too, Sarge
Mee also wants to remind every buddy bout da big pawty dat Ronnii, Izzy, and Uji are planning to welcome all da new residents of Blogville.
for all da de-tails bout da pawty!
Guess dat's bout it for now, Blogville!
Da Momma is still lookin like dis
(Only Worse!)
One more ting...Prayers and crossed paws needed for mee hooman sissy who is back in da hospital for da fifth time dis year (Her must luv dat place). Mee hopes her can get back to her kids and hubby for Turkey Day.
Mee will be on a bloggy breaky for a wittle bit longer butt mee is still tryin to stop by and visit my furends. A furend of mine sent me dis video and mee is sending it to mee furends so dey don't forget what a weenie looks like!