Nov 22, 2011

Dis and Dat

Howdy Every Blogville Buddy

Mee is still on mee bloggy breaky
Mee had to pop mee teenie weenie head in to say Hellooooo
(so mee furends wouldn't forgets mee).
Furst mee wants to say a BIG thank you to
for da b-u-t-ful new header foto.
(Yes, dat is really mee)
Did every buddy nose dat November is
Well, you nose it now!

My Sissy APRIL is a

And our good buddy, GIBSON
is also an EPI Pup!

And wee has so many good furends in Blogville who get da visits from da ugly S-MONSTER!
Sissy APRIL had such a scary visit almost tree years ago dat her almost went to da Bridge.  Her was probably halfway dere when dey sent her back.  Her started taking da PEE-medicines and dat last visit from da S-MONSTER probably scared dat old S-MONSTER so bad dat it ain't been back.
Wee is all so tankful for dat!

Now my impawtant message for every buddy!

Gibson's Momma has gathered lots of really, really good informations bout da
S-MONSTER and put it all in a postee.  Wee all needs to make note of dis nose...just in case!
(Cause you jus' never nose when you might needs it)

So clicky
to gets all dis good informations

Make sure you watch da wonderfur slideshow at FIVE SIBES wit all our furends who have been visited by da S-MONSTER!


Next, mee wants to remind every buddy dat da holly-days will soon bee here.
Please make sure dat you stop by and visit da
hosted by da wonderful
Dey have helped so many of us, including mee packmate, TUCKER (RIP).  So let's all try and pawticipate in da auction so dere good work can continue for our Blogville furends!
to visit da Holly-Day Auction!


Movin right along....dis is
It also be da week to give our furend
Da Bird!!!
for all da Birdy De-Tails!

Dis one's for you, Sarge!

Dis foto is furnished by Da Momma's very good furend in
North Carolina
(Thank You, Furend in NC)

Dis for you too, Sarge

Mee also wants to remind every buddy bout da big pawty dat Ronnii, Izzy, and Uji are planning to welcome all da new residents of Blogville.
for all da de-tails bout da pawty!

Guess dat's bout it for now, Blogville!
Da Momma is still lookin like dis

(Only Worse!)

One more ting...Prayers  and crossed paws needed for mee hooman sissy who is back in da hospital for da fifth time dis year (Her must luv dat place).  Mee hopes her can get back to her kids and hubby for Turkey Day.
Mee will be on a bloggy breaky for a wittle bit longer butt mee is still tryin to stop by and visit my furends.  A furend of mine sent me dis video and mee is sending it to mee furends so dey don't forget what a weenie looks like!



Nov 9, 2011

A Special Thank You on Wordless Wednesday (Just Not Wordless)

Hellooooooooo Blogville Buddies!

Well, da Thanksgiving holly-day will be comin soon here in da USA.  We has lots to be tankful for dis holly-day season.  We is specially tankful for our furends in Blogville dat has supported us and been dere for us dis past year.  Mee tinks mee will let da Momma take it from here cause dis be some really impawtant stuffs.

Roll It Da Momma!

Thank you, Amber.  We do have a lot to be thankful for this year.  The pack seems to be enjoying good health at the moment except for some occasional senile episodes from Benji.  But, hey, he is going on 16 years old.

Unfortunately we lost a couple members of our pack this year.  Reno left for the Bridge suddenly while he was being boarded at the vet's office when we were in Michigan back in June.  We knew he was ready to make that journey soon, but hoped he would wait until our return from the trip.  Reno had other plans and we were thankful that he was with our vet.

Tucker's sudden diagnosis of lung cancer in early July left us in shock.  Tucker was only 9 years could this be happening?  But, cancer doesn't look at age when it decides to attack.  Tucker's cancer was very aggressive and we were told he only had a few days to live.  How could we say goodbye to our boy that quickly?

The staff oncologists at the cancer center said that chemo would extend his life and give him a good quality of least for a little while.  And there was a slim chance he could go into remission.  It was a "slim" chance but it was better than no chance and we had to do what we could for our Tucker.  So chemotherapy started the day after the diagnosis.

The primary tumor did get smaller and Tucker was doing very well.  His quality of life was very good so the chemo treatments were doing what they were meant to do.  Unfortunately after the first month and four treatments, smaller tumors started to develop in his lungs and were spreading rapidly.  We knew then that we had to prepare to say goodbye to our little guy very soon.

Then along came the CROSSED PAWS Group.

Crossed Paws heard about Tucker and sent him the most wonderful HAPPINESS HAMPER filled with toys and treats.

Click HERE to view how happy Tucker was with his treasures from Crossed Paws.

He received his Happiness Hamper five days before he started his journey to Rainbow Bridge.  Again, I'm very thankful because Tucker's gifts gave him so much joy and happiness during his last days with us.  He was still cuddling with his new Wubba the very same morning that he had to leave us.

(Tucker's Last Picture Before His Journey to Rainbow Bridge)

Our little boy was gone but along with all the good memories he left with us, he also left us a huge hospital bill for his four chemo treatments and all the CT scans he had while he was receiving his treatments.  We never had any regrets about the treatments and I know we made the right choice.  The bills were staggering but we knew somehow we would manage and get through it.  Things would be a little tight for a while but we had to believe that we would be just fine.

Then once again I received the totally unexpected.  Last week an email came like a sign from Heaven.  CROSSED PAWS was our rescuer once again.  They had some money left over from all the auctions and charity events that were hosted during the year, and they decided to split it three ways to help with medical bills that were run up by some of our Blogville friends.  Tucker was chosen to be one of the recipients of the leftover funds to help pay for his final expenses.

CROSSED PAWS has a brand new look and a new web address.  You can now find them at:
Please be sure to stop by for a visit and see their wonderful new Home Page and also stop by to visit their BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  They also have a raffle in place for a beautiful piece of custom-made jewelry.  Amber will be purchasing her raffle tickets this week.  There is also going to be a CROSSED PAWS HOLIDAY AUCTION beginning on November 19.  Visit Crossed Paws for all the details.  We all know how much fun these auctions are, and Amber will certainly be there for this one too.

There are just no words deep enough to say THANK YOU to Crossed Paws and also to our Blogville friends who support their friends in Blogville in time of need.  CROSSED PAWS has come to our rescue twice to save us and we are so grateful.  I will forever think of them as the

Momma...{sniff sniff}
Mee needs a tissue pleeeeeze!
Thank you, Crossed Paws.  You be super duper!

Every buddy...pleeeeeze watch fur all da upcoming charity events hosted by da CROSSED PAWS GROUP and pawticipate if you can!  You won't be sowie!!
Now fur some unrelated noos..
We needs to take a very short blogging bweak.  Da Momma is startin to look like dis...

Her has so many holly-day projects in da works including some new holly-day items for da upcoming Crossed Paws Holly-Day Auction, and da Momma isn't very well organ-ized.  Her has no organs left, in fact.  Anyway, mee will still try to keep readin' all da postees from mee furends but mee won't have mee assistant to helps mee type da comments.  And mee claws be too long so mee can't type by mee wittle self.  Butt...dis will only be a shortee bweak...mee pawmises.  Two or tree weeks maybees.

So pleeeeeze don't forgets mee!
I Be Back!



Nov 4, 2011

A Pressie.....For ME!


Me gots a package!
Yep...Me gots a package and it had me own name on it!

Dis is what da package looked like.
(Mom, it be upside down--Where's me name?)

Hmmm...Me tinks me smells Ginger, Chip, Tasha, Anna Rose, and Thai in here...

Look, dere is a letter

It be from me pals from is so x-cited...quick let me see what be inside da box!




Dis is MY very own PLACEMAT
and no one else better touch it!

Isn't me cute!

Look at all da purrty colors on da back!

And da purrty Mini Mee in da corner!

Now you can get your very own placemat, tapestry, or quilt too!

Just click

to visit What's Her Name's
New Store
(Tell 'em AMBER sent ya!)


Nov 1, 2011

A Super Duper New Book


Mee is so x-cited bout mee new book dat comed in da mail last week!!

It be from our very own Blogville Buddy

Look, Mom
It's mee pal, SUGAR!

And Sugar's Furry Furend!
(And dat furend is....smilin')

And look.....
A puzzle thingy!
(Mom...don't let mee brudder, Max (DaOdderWeenie)
get dis puzzle...he be hidin' all da pieces)

Mee be one luckee pup, Mom

Oh, Oh, OH....
Look.....dere be Sugar in a Heart

UhOh....Sugar's Furry Furend
is a.........(shhhh) MUNK!!

Dis kissy is for Sugar and Fred!

A flashy beast foto of da real
and da real
(Mom....Mee wants a furend like Fred)

And Pages to Color!
(Get da crayons, Mom....Mee promises not to EAT dem dis time)

Where do mee start???

Mee Wuvs you guys!


and find out how to get your very own copy of
Sugar's Furry Friend

Notes From Da Momma!
We got this book for our 4-year-old twin grandkids and I read it to them as a bedtime story when they spent last Saturday night at our house.  (Unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures of them enjoying it as my camera battery died during our day spent at the new Legoland of Florida theme park.)

They thoroughly enjoyed the book and actually sat still while I was reading it to them.  They especially liked the pictures of the smiling chipmunk (Fred).  We have a lot of squirrels living around here, but they have never seen a chipmunk before so I expect when they do finally meet a real chipmunk, they will think it will have a big smile on its face (like Fred)!

At the end of the book there's a "learning" section explaining the meaning of different aspects of the book in a way that a child can understand.  Also included is a puzzle and two pages to color.  The grandkids worked together and put the puzzle pieces back in their original order to form the picture of Sugar and the Chipmunk!  I decided to wait and have them color the two pictures when I'm sure they'll do a good job, as I plan to put the book away as a keepsake when they get older.

This is a wonderful story book with activities for a young child to enjoy and keep.  And it's extra special because we know the star of the book!!!


Amber, back wit ya!


And Be Safe...
Don't let dis happens to you!

November is Diabetes month!
Cross your paws for all our buddies fighting da bigg
"D" monster.
November is STOP DIABETES month!