Mar 28, 2012

Me Da Girl Wit Many Talents

Helloooo Every Buddy
Hopes Ya'll Didn't Furget Me!

Me is still on bloggy break
Me had to take a breaky from me breaky to say hello to all me furiends and let you's nose dat me is still here.

Still bein' a Nurse!
 Da Momma was startin to get all better because of me wonderfur nursing skills.....butt den her decided to get da bronchitis so hers could bark like da rest of da pack.  Her did good job too!
Her is startin to feel better and hopefully will start dat springtime cleanin chore soon.   Den me will have to snoopervise dat too.  Butt by den me will probably be under da covers wedder and her will haves to be nursey to me! 
(Now you tink dey would do dis fur me if me was sickey?)
No...of course not!

Den when me isn't playin nursey, me is in charge of snoopervision of Dad.  He is going to pull up dis carpet tingy and put down wall to wall (or deck-to-deck) carpeting on da pool deck.  Me tinks he be doin dis jus fur me so me don't slip and slide on da wet deck.  So me has to be sure he be doin it right!

While da Momma be in bed sickey, her wrote Annie's Story (our new pack member) , and put it on her website.  Den her started to work on her new update page and will have it done dis week or so her says.  Mom.....hopes you start workin on da new look fur me blog soon.  YOU PAWMISED!!!!!
(Me needs a new assistant....bad) 

Now, me don't do sad too well, so here be da Momma wit some sad news bout me oldest brudder, Benji!
Mom here......Last Saturday Benji managed to injure himself quite severely in the back yard.  We still aren't sure exactly what happened but we think he may have become tangled in a pile of freshly cut weeds and tall fence grass that John has been clearing out all week.  Long story short, being the very clumsy, unsteady 16-year-old that he is, he may have knocked over a shovel or rake (they were both laying on the ground) while he was struggling to get out of the weed pile and nearly chopped off his head.  He was rushed to the emergency room on Saturday afternoon and spent two hours in surgery while the emergency vets cleaned and sewed up the deep cut on the back of his neck.
He will recover from this but the bad news is that before he was taken to surgery, x-rays were taken that revealed cancer in his lungs.  They feel these are secondary tumors that have spread from other parts of his body.  Because of his age (16+) nothing can be done for the cancer other than to keep him comfortable.
Right now he shows absolutely no symptoms but it'll only be a matter of time.
So, once again, the Power of the Paw is needed for our old guy that he can enjoy his life with us for a while longer.
Thank You....Back to Amber!
********** will be good nursey to Benji too!

Me is still on bloggy breaky butt me will be poppin in and out like da good popper dat me is!  BOL
Gots to get da Momma movin on dis cleanin' job and Dad movin on his re-modelin job.
Since so many in me pack were rescued and so many of me furiends were rescued....dis is fur all da rescues and da peeps who rescued dem!


Mar 13, 2012

Mee Da Nurse

Yuppy Puppy
 Furst da Momma be sickie.
A wittle buggy must of flew by and left da crappy crud on our doorstep.  Da Momma (widely known fur steppin in everyting) must of stepped outside jus as da crud be flyin by.  And her caught it.  So...Nurse Amber to da rescue.  Me make da Momma stay in bed fur 4 days.  Her feels a wittle better today butt her is still coughin and hackin all ovr wittle ole me!

Last week me also had to be nurse to our newest packmate!
ANNIE (formerly known as REECE)
had her gurly oper-a-shun last week.
 Her did great and bounced right back.  Da vet changed his self into Darty Vader (laser surgery) and her doesn't even nose her lost any pawts.
Her also had a funny lookin thumb nail so da Momma told da dogter to remove dose too so her wouldn't rip dem off {ouchy} some time.  Her wittle footies are wrapped so her won't eat lick dem.

Me has jus one wittle bite of bad news!
Da Momma missed spring cleanin last year.
(Da Nerves of Her)
So dis year her be doin a BIG spring cleanin!  And a BIG house re-modelin job too!
Dat means her won't be able to be me assistant.
And dat means me will be takin a wittle breaky from bloggin.  (While her tells every buddy bout all da cleanin her be doin before our summer visitors arrive) 
Butt me will still be visitin every day to see what all me furiends be doin.  Jus can't type comments all da time.

Da Momma will still be doin her pawt wit
so if you hear dat any of our furiends have left us, pleeze visit
for the details on submitting a tribute.

Watch for our February issue to be released on
March 15.

In addition to rippin da house apawt cleanin, da Momma is plannin to do an update page bout DA TEN-PACK (dat be us) on her website.  Dat page is loooong over due since her should of done it in December.   
Me is only lettin her get away wit all dis cleanin and remodelin and web page makin because...
Her also pawmised to help me re-design me blog!
So hopefully me will have a new look soon!
And hopefully her nose what her is doin so me blog don't go POOF!

Oh Nose...What is dis!!!
(Insert Shiver)
Guess dis means me will be doin a lot of dis in da weeks to come!
Please don't furgets me durin me short absence.
If Count Vacula don't eat me, me will still be around and will try to post updates sometimes as tings move along.


Mar 5, 2012

Hats of Hope for Ms. Judi

Although Teenie Weenie MEE was never officially HATTED by
Ms. Judi, so many of our Blogville furiends were and dat is how me got to nose da most wonderful peep wit all da hats in Blogville.

Today, March 5, our Ms. Judi waits fur test results of some really scary tests.  Blogville is right here waitin with ya!

Stop on by and visit our Ms. Judi,
and leave some barks and meows to let her nose we is thinkin' bout her.

Once again Blogville joins paws fur a very special lady.  We be sendin her lots of prayers and good vibes.

We Luvs You, JudiBug

And fur this special occasion, here be me very own hat and a clover fur luck!

Mar 2, 2012

Dr. Seuss on the Loose!

Dere once was a weenie named Amberlyn
(Dat would be me)
Da Momma and Daddy hearts her did win.
From her cute wittle nose
 To her cute wittle toes
  Not to wuv her would be such a sin.

One day a kitty named Zoey her met.
A strange pair fur sure, you can bet.
Butt good furiends dey became...
Took a walk in da rain
And didn't even nose dey got wet!

Dey mew and bark on da puter fur hours
And don't even notice da time...
Butt me is quickly runnin out of steam
Trying to finish dis silly rhyme.

So Zoey go put on your Hat!
Dat "Cat in a Hat" you will be.
Me wonders why Dr. Seuss
Didn't write stories bout Weenies like me?


 Bailey and Brian
Two furiends of mine...
Hap-pee as dey can be.
One is a dog and one is a cat...
Just like Zoey and me!


A special surprise for Brian
From Bailey
(Who doesn't have his own blog yet)

Bailey and Brian were pals from the start;
and somehow I sensed they would never part.
They were sent from above
and knew their mission was to protect and love.

They could be mischievous and naughty too;
but who could blame them...
not me and not you.
Running and playing without nary a care;
and finally collapsing in Dad's big easy chair.

Their lives filled with contentment and an abundance of joy;
just waiting and watching for that special, fun toy.

So here they are together to share their heart and mind;
A happier pair, I doubt you'll ever find.

So Happy Day Dr. Seuss and all furry friends,
we salute with a bow,
"Bow Wow and Meow"

By Gin & Bailey
 And Finally me Furiends
Straight from our special Blogville Buddy
The Special Dr. Seuss in Blogville Stories


And Finally
Oh Yeah!


