Apr 19, 2012

A Special Thank You and an Update

Da Momma Here!

Amber has so graciously allowed me to RENT her blog for today.   Payment has yet to be determined but I have a feeling I need to stock up on lots of treats.

First, I want to say THANK YOU to all our Blogville friends for the outpouring of support you have shown during this health crisis at our home involving April and Benji.  I just couldn't believe that we had nearly 100 comments on our last post from Easter.  Yesterday was April's 11th birthday and she also received so many good wishes for her birthday.

Also a big thank you and hug to April's love, UJI and Momma Tea for keeping Blogville updated on April's condition.  And I also have to send special hugs to FRANKIE FURTER and the DACHSIES WITH MOXIE for their part in spreading the word around Blogville and the request for POWER OF THE PAW to begin.  Also thank you to Puddles' Mom and Mona and Weenie's Mom for their kind and supporting words.
 April's condition is very serious and I know I have to prepare myself that this might not turn out well for her.  I'll make this as brief as possible and attempt to "bottom line" her condition as much as possible.

Last Friday her belly appeared to be bloated so we immediately went to the vet.  An x-ray was done at that time and it appeared that her heart was enlarged and pumping fluid into her stomach.  She was given Lasex to eliminate the fluid (which it did within 48 hours).  On Friday blood was also drawn and sent to a lab for more testing.  On Saturday morning I received a call telling me that April's liver was failing and the ultrasound date was moved up to Monday.  I dropped her off on Monday morning for the ultrasound.

The ultrasound revealed that her heart was within limits so her heart condition was upgraded.  However, her liver was seriously abnormal.  A surgical biopsy was the only way to determine whether cancer was involved or if the diagnosis would remain as "Cirrhosis of the Liver".
A routine pre-surgical blood clotting test was done and revealed that April's blood was clotting too slow and surgery would be very high-risk.

So we won't be able to determine the cause of this.  The vet feels one of two things are happening.  Either there is a tumor involved or the liver failure may have happened because of the long-term medications April has taken for four years for her Inflammatory Bowel condition and also the Phenobarbital for her seizures.  During the four years she's been on medication, her blood has been tested every 6 months and was always within normal range until now.

April has now stopped all medications and is only taking liver supplements, Denosyl to aid in regenerating her liver, and an antibiotic for a newly discovered urinary tract infection.  Now we have to wait (possibly for weeks if April survives this long) to see if her condition improves.

So far this morning, she isn't doing very well.  Yesterday morning she still accepted treats.  In this picture she ate one of the treats but didn't feel up to eating the second.  Instead she attempted to "guard" it from Bailey who was determined to take it.
Today she just wants to sleep and won't even open her eyes.

The vet gave me some cans of a special food that we've used in the past for sick dogs (Hills A.D.).  Currently I'm spoon-force-feeding April about one can throughout the day.  She's been accepting that and at least not spitting it back at me.
On another note, Benji is doing quite well for now.  We know he has terminal cancer and his time is limited, but it's good to see him enjoying life in spite of everything going on around him.  He is on daily pain meds for his arthritis and any other pain he might have, and honestly, I haven't seen him this active in years.  He loves to eat and can still jump high in the air for treats.  This picture was taken when he came home from the hospital after the cancer diagnosis.  See his leg bracelet!!!
 Benji really does need a bath now that his stitches have come out.

The last couple of weeks have been a little hard.  April's illness hit right during our major spring cleaning/remodeling project.  I now have big boxes sitting all through the house waiting for me to go through and separate the "keepers" from the things to be donated and the "throw outs".  I was also attempting to put together an update page for my own dog website but only got as far as collecting the pictures for it.  And, of course, Amber is waiting patiently for me to do the long-promised-to-her remodeling of her blog with a brand new look!  She won't let me forget that one since we still have our New Year photo up.
(Bad Momma)
To make her feel better, I promised to include her photo in this post.
 I'm sorry this post got a little longer than I intended but I wanted to pass on all the information I have.  We're definitely all suffering from lack of sleep around here and my appetite has all but disappeared from the added worry.  I apologize for not posting more often but I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with April and Benji as well as holding down the fort and helping my dear husband with the projects now going on.  I'll try to update everyone if there are any major changes....good or bad.

Thank you all again and we appreciate the continued prayers and Power of the Paw.
I do believe that if April makes it through this crisis, it'll be because of Blogville doing what it does best!
We Love You!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the update and big hugs to you. We will keep you in our prayers and keep our paws crossed.

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful April! Me and Charlie are sending you many purrs and hugs and special cuddles too! Please be ok! And sweet Benji - you brave doggy!! Keep well, please!

Take care

HoundDogMom said...

We want to wish April a belated B-Day. We also want you to know that we buckets of drool and the paws are all crossed for your babies. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Random Felines said...

Purrs to all of you.....it never gets any easier - but we certainly have our paws crossed for the best news possible.

Stewey said...

The power of the paw continues for April and Benji - thank you for your update!

Rama's Mama said...

Praying and sending good vibes!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Mee is so happisome to see mi beloved gawjuss face, butts mi heart is still heavy n achy cos hers is still so poorly. Mee is prayin mi hardest fur mi Darlin April n fur Benji too.Mee does luv mi girl wivs evry single bit ov mee so mee is sendin hers all mi strenf n mi bestest healin vibes n mee is willin her to gets better.
Miss Linda YOO must gets some rests too okays? Yoo is mega impawtants nots jus to da Weenies butts to yor Hubby-man an all ovs us too so makes sure yoo try n rests or mee will havs to come waggle mi paw ats yoo !

Wivs all mi luvs, licks, snuggles, cuddles n kisses

Matilda the Boxer said...

Not knowing is just the worst! I hope that Amber improves and surprises all of you. Licks and wiggles to her, Benji, and Da Momma!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh Linda... I am so sorry to read about all that has been going on,
and offer so many prayers for Benji and April. We've not been "keeping up" the last couple weeks I'm afraid. You sure have your hands full, but all these sweet woofies are, we know, in very good and loving hands.
Take care ... hugs 'n' purrs,
Maggy and Zoey (and Ann)

Millie and Walter said...

We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and keeping our paws and fingers crossed that things improve soon.

Cindy & Nina

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. Keepin y'all in our thoughts and sending lots and lots of wellness vibes.

The Roo Family

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz r soooo furry much sorry that we did not stop by sooner an’wish Miss April a HAPPEEE BARKDAY! Pleeze know that we (mom tu) r keepin’Miss April an’Sir Benji in our thoughtz an’most healin’prayerz. An that goez fer u tu cuz we know how much u must b worried ‘boutz them. An’don’t worry ‘boutz not bein’here so much – mom sez u gotz lotz on your plate (tho we don’t know how if u say your appetite iz off – u shood b a BEAGLE – we don’tz haf that problem) We know how good a nurse Miss Amber iz – bet she iz bizy rite now werkin’her nursey majic. Yes – LOTZ of treatz just mite werk fer your “rent”. Thank u fer this update an’no – it wuzn’t tu long –u haz a lotz goin’on an’like a good doggy mom, u just wanted us all tu know ‘boutz it.
You wanna talk ‘boutz sumthin’bein’long – this comment haz gotten tu long. We r sendin’LOTZA Beagle kisses an’mom wood give u'all a HUMONGUS hug if she cood reach thru this ‘puter.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Elaine Pritchard said...

So so sorry to find out what a horrid time you are having.

Sending you lots of loves and special greyhound hugs and kisses.

Winnie oxoxoxoxox

My Mind's Eye said...

God Bless you all and purrs and hugs all around. April and Benji are so fortunate to have your for their Mom!! We know how worried you must be and please know we are thinking of you.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Ruby and Penny said...

We have all our paws crossed for April & Benji. Sending tonnes of doxie feel great vibes there way.
Hgs & love
Ruby, Penny & Joyelle

Suka said...

Much love and hugs to sweet April and adorable Benji. Our paws and fingers are crossed for their healing and health, and we are praying hard to St. Francis to keep watch and care over both April and Benji.

It makes us happy to read that adorable Benji is still enjoying and participating in life! What a strong little fella! And sweet April guarding her treat, too cute!

We appreciate your update and our thoughts and prayers are with all of your during this difficult time. We agree you should focus on spending as much time as possible with your lovely pups, as they are most important.

Amber, you are such a good sisfur to allow your mom to blog and keep us updated. :->


Suka and K

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thank you so much for the update. We are all very sorry you have so much to deal with right now. We all are crossing our paws for both April and Benji and Mom is adding her prayers. We hope the power of the paw across Blogville will help pull them both through these crises.

Hugs and Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

3 doxies said...

Oh dear mes, wheres do I begin? Furst, no needs to thank us fur givin' ya'll support...we loves ya'll and supportin' and helpin' our fellow loved ones is what we do.
Nows I thinks my mum is very upset to reads dat April is feelin' poorer but I knows her be strong girl. I smart likes dat.
We is all heres fur ya'll and we is sendin' our prayers and hugs and alls dat stuffs.
Just spend as much time withs April as you can.
Oh and thank you so very much furs da update on April and Benji!

kalon said...

You get through li'l miss April, gentle hugs n luvs sweetie.

Doxie Rod said...

you are one strong lady! i am so sad for all you and your pack are having to go through but it seems that everyone is handling it so well. you all will be in our prayers - hang in there!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

OMD Mi Popster has lefted a comments fur yoo, hims hardly eva leeves comments YAY Popster Kalon Fank Yoo big Muchly.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope April will feel a bit better soon so she'll start eating on her own. How nice Benji is enjoying life. You have a lot of worry and work there, so we send extra pawhugs!

Backcountry Brodie said...

I is so sorry to hear such bad news about April, but at least better news about Benji. I will has my paws crossed that things start looking up fur you.

Dachshund Nola said...

Thank you for the update. Take all the time you need to get your house and your babies in order. Blogville will wait you you. I'm so glad Benji is staying well and pain free. Pray and hoping so so hard for April to pull through, I just know she will.
All our love,
The Dachshund Nola Family: Nola, Dachshund MOmmy, Boston, Auggie, Charlotte, Kitty Sisters Saphira and Star, and George the hermit crab

Lorenza said...

We have been thinking of you all the time.
Paws crossed here!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Hi, I heard about you from Frank..... I'm so sorry you're having to face all this at once. You're in my prayers.

White Dog Blog said...

Dearest friends, feel the paws and arms of all of us encircling you with love and hope. We continue to send the strongest White Dog healing energy we have to April and to Benji. We ask the Universe that both remain pain-free and be allowed dignity in these crises times. To all of you we send WDA strength and balance to see you through. Know you are not alone.

Maxmom said...

What do I say?... except that my heart breaks for you. In some small way, I have been where you are walking now and know how devastating this type of diagnosis can be.
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you journey with your beloved pups. May you be surrounded with the love of your blogging friends, and the knowledge that each day is a gift - one to 'Live to the Max'.
We love you.
Sending lotsaluv

Dandy Duke said...

My paws continue to be crossed and I'm sending both of you TONS of Airezen!

Love ya lots,

Bassetmomma said...

Our thoughts and prayers remain with April and Benji! Also a big hug for you!

What Remains Now said...

God bless you for giving these sweet babies the care and love they need. Paws crossed and prayers.

Bobbie said...

Bless your heart! I am so sad to read this about April and I will be praying for her and Benji too... And of course for you and for strength to endure it all. When Gracie is sick, my world comes to a stand-still. I cannot imagine your pain. Prayers coming your way from me... and paws crossed from Gracie. (((HUGS))) to all!

Chicco said...

Hello dear friends,
I'm so sorry to hear you had passed bad moments, my paws are crossed for April and Benji. I hope all will be better as soon as possible.
Have a nice weekend.
Woof, woof,


Oskar said...

Please don't feel that you need to apologize for anything. There is so much going on & we love any updates you can give us, even though the news isn't always very good.

We are sending lots of pawerful prayer your way & hope for the best for all of your dear pups.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Kolchak Puggle said...

With so much going on on the home front, no wonder you haven't had time to blog. Our hearts and prayers are with you and your babies at this scary time.

I would really urge you to consider adding a glycerin-based Milk Thistle for little April. It has shown to really help reduce liver toxins etc. It usually used to help clear the liver of prescription meds. It has very very few side effects and a history of really helping. I hope that maybe it could do her some good ♥

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, I am so sorry...reading this post I want to send some (gentle) Husky hugs over to you and sweet Amber. So sorry she is going through this and we will certainly include her in our thoughts and prayers and hope for some good news upon your next report. Please know we are all thinking of you both, and adorable Benji too.

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

I'll be sending my healing vibes for sweet April and precious Benji.


Sasha said...

I am purring lots and lots for April and for you too. PUrrrr Purrrr purrr

HH and The Boys said...

Sending lots and lots of purrrrrrs to April and to all of you in hopes that it will comfort and help.

We are thinking of you.

pawhugs, Max,Bugsy,Knucklesn and HH

Asta said...

Thank yoo fow that update..this must be the awfullest time, but I know that evewy moment sweet Apwil and Benji awe getting all the love in the wowld..I am cwossing my paws and sending healing smoochies fow bof of them..I am so sad thatthe dogtows can't do mowe, but the POTP is vewy powewful
You awe in ouw heawts and thoughts
Smoochie kisses

Mariodacat said...

Oh dear, it must seem like you have the world crashing in around you. I'm so sorry to hear about April and your other doggie. You do have your hands full with two sick puppies. M said she'll keep the two doggies in her thoughts and prayers, and I'll do some major purring purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

Dexter said...

Oh April, sometimes our bodies just aren't as strong as we need them to be. Sending big Mango hugs to you.


Kea said...

We just read about April from Ann at Zoolatry and came to offer purrs and purrayers, only to read about Benji as well.

We're so sorry and are sending you all purrs and universal Light and purrayers. We know that whatever is for everyone's Highest Good will Be, and we wish you universal Peace and Blessings.

-Nicki, Derry and human Kim

Pip said...

Me is new here. Ann of Zoolatary tells me. Me is furry sad to sees all your fambily has been going through. Me has added you to our prayer list. Me purrs that you all finds comfurt during this hard time.
Love, TK

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Sending many prayers and purrs for April, and for you. Stay strong, we are thinking of you.
~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring loud and hard for April!

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I all send our best loving purrs to sweet April along with many hugs for you.

Peggy Frezon said...

I'm so sorry to read about all this, it is so stressful and sad when the dogs are going through health issues. I will keep everyone in my prayers.

KB said...

Thank you for taking the time out to update us. We are all thinking of your April. It sounds like a very tough situation... but April is lucky to have you nursing her.

I'm glad that Benji is in a good and happy phase. That must make you smile.

We are sending the POTP to April. You are in our thoughts.

Tucker The Crestie said...

So sorry to hear about April's health problems ... such a difficult situation, but I know that April (and Benji) could not be in better hands! Sending lots of love and power of the paw to April and Benji, and lots of hugs to you!

Jo's World said...

We want you to know we are keeping you in our prayers and hoping for a good recovery for your sick pups.

Amber is a good friend of ours and we want everything to be good for her and her family.

Stella, Zkhat and Mom

Sue said...

Morgan and the Porties all send their love and we all have our paws crossed for you. It's been a hard year in Blogville and we've been hit with sadness too. Just know that you are in our thoughts and we have plenty of love to spare.
Morgan and the Porties and Mom Sue

Ruby and Penny said...

Came to offer some more doxie feel good vibes for April & Benji. Hope they are both doing well today.
Love Ruby & Penny

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of purrrs and prayers for April & Benji!! And lot of hugs to the family!!
Your TX furiends,

rottrover said...

Our paws are crossed that Miss April be a comfortable as possible for as long as possible. And we send special rottie strength to the mama.

-Bart and Ruby

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are praying for April!!


Ziggy Stardust said...

April and Benji, I am so sorry to read that my pals are feeling so poorly right now. April I am crossing paws and sending lots of loveys your way and I hope tomorrow and the next day and the next day are really good days for you and Benji.

Loveys Sasha

Thank you so much for the update, I can imagine it is hard to keep up with things right now with all that is going on. I am praying for all of you and God bless you.


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I came by to say I am joining in with sending purrs and hugs for April.. I pray she comes through this... Hugs GJ xx

Just Jess for now said...

I have just read this post and others and found out what is going on. All I can say is that we're sending you hugs and positive thoughts from over the pond and hope that April recovers. *hug* Words just aren't enough.

Bailey Be Good! said...

Nala, me, and my family are sending you all lotsa woofs & huggies!! We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers! :)

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Tiger Lily said...

{{{HUGS}}}, prayers, prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, head bumps and tail wags from all of us.

Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Mom Rebecca

Flynn said...

I love your blog
check out my blog

Team Tabby said...

Purrs, prayers and head bumps from all of us.

White Dog Blog said...

Dearest friends feel our paws and arms around you during this saddest of times. April will be missed; not only was she a delightful personality in our community but she taught us not to fear the seizure monster when Quinn began his. We know your Precious Girl now runs free and healthy and forever young on the other side of the Bridge but we are a bit selfish in our wish that she hadn't needed to leave. In the pain, please find peace in knowing all you did to make her life wonderful.

A MilShelb Mom said...

We just read over at Doxies with Moxie and we are so sorry! April will be missed. We are so sad. :( You and your family and furfamily are in our prayers.
~Maggie (the Mom), Milly, and Shelby

Oskar said...

We are very, very sad to learn that April went to the bridge today. We are sending all of our thoughts & prayers to your family.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Brian's Home Blog said...

I just heard about dear sweet April and we are so sorry to hear that news. We all send you many purrs and lots of love and hugs. Someday soon the wonderful memories will once again make your hearts smile.

Millie and Walter said...

I am so sorry to hear that April crossed the rainbow bridge today. She was loved by a great family.


Dexter said...

I am so sad to learn that April has made her final journey. She is running free, but the hearts are breaking of those left behind to miss her.

Mango Momma

caspersmom said...

I'm so sorry to hear such a cute sweetie pie, April, has passed. Purrs and Prayers to you and your family in your time of grief. God Bless.

Casper, Cleo and Mom

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am so sad that your sweet April has left for the bridge. I will keep you in my thoughts and purrs while you are going through this hard time. Keep April near you in your thoughts and heart.

Linda said...

So very sorry to hear that April has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
Sending prayers and love to you.

Southbaygirl said...

Thoughts prayers woofs and purrs to April and all of you! We are so sorry to hear thr April has gone to the rainbow bridge. Rest in Peace sweet April.

Penny, Velcro, Ceilidh, Jack Sparrow, Blossom and Skye

Bailey Be Good! said...

Dropping off some huggies for you!! :)

Woofs! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our hearts are breaking for you. We are so very sorry to hear about April. Hard to find the right words - just know that you are all in our thoughts, hearts, and prayers.

Hugs, The OP Pack and Mom

Lorenza said...

We are so sad to know about sweet April.
Our thoughts are with you all.
Lorenza and mom

The Florida Furkids said...

We just heard that April has gone to the Bridge. We're so sorry. Our hearts hurt for you.

Purrs and Prayers
The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Dachshund Nola said...

Just heard about sweet April's passing. Run free baby girl, run free and without pain. We miss you already! Hugs to the entire pack

Wyatt said...

Sending hugs and love your way. So sorry for your loss. We will look for April's bright star in the sky.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Jo's World said...

A note just came from Ann that your sweet April has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Please accept our sympathy in the loss of your precious girl.

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are very sorry that sweet April is gone.


Kristin Avery said...

I am so sorry to hear about April. What a beautiful girl she was and what a beautiful angel she will become. Sending you lots of love and prayers. Run free, sweet April ...

Pip & Kristin

Berts Blog said...

My Vickie is very sad that little Miss April has lost her battle. We are watching our sweet Jamie losing the same battle and know how hard this must be for you.

Bubbles and Paws crossed for Benji.

We are sending you much love
Bert and My Vickie

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I just came from Oskars and I heard the sad news about April.
I am so sorry. I know your heart is crying right now.
All your friends in blogville are circling around you in love.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are so sorry to hear about your sweet baby going to the bridge. You are in our thoughts and purrayers. From all of us at Prancer Pie.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Shiloh'n Shasta here - we herd 'boutz this Thurzday evenin'butt did not haf chance tu stop by til now. We wuz so furry much sad tu read our email an'find out Miss April had crossed the Rainbow Bridge. An'we r so furry much sorry more fer your loss. She wuz such a cutie-patootie
Run free an'well Angel April
Shiloh'n Shasta

Bassetmomma said...

I am so sorry to here about April. My heart goes out to you!

Maureen said...

We are so very sad to hear that April has left your side to continue on her journey through the universe. Rest well knowing that she leaves wrapped in the blankets of love, warmth and happiness that you shared with her. We will all miss and are sending you much love.

Miss HoneyBuzz & Momma

FiveSibesMom said...

So very, very sorry to learn beautiful April has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We were so pleased to have met her through this wonderful pet community. May she run forever free & happy in the fields beyond the Rainbow Bridge, wrapped in your love. Sending you hugs & our condolences.

Kristina Zambrano said...

so very sorry for the loss of your furbaby girl may she rest in peace and free of all her aches :(


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about sweet April crossing the Rainbow Bridge.

Run free with your many friends on the other side of the Bridge April.

Our love to your family,
The Roo Family

CATachresis said...

Just popped over because Ann at Zoolatry told us that April has passed over. We didn't know her, but am so sorry for your loss. It is horrible to lose a much loved fur baby.

purrs and hugs from the CATachresis gang xox

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I heard the news from Ann and I came to say how very sorry I am that you lost your sweet April.. Hugs and purrs to you all.. GJ xx

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Mi heart is broked into a gazillon likkle pieces, Mee will luvs Mi April fureva.

Run Free Mi darlin Girl, yoo mades da world a wondrous place jus bein in it now go makes Da Rainbow Bridge shine wivs yor beauty.

All mi Luv now n fureva
Yor own

Dandy Duke said...

We are so very sorry to hear about April. Our hearts are absolutely breaking for you.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Sue

HH and The Boys said...

So sorry to hear about April. We are sending you lots and lots of purrrrrs.

pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

Old Kitty said...

We've just read about sweet angel April. We are so so sorry. Big hugs and purrs from me and Charlie! Please take care

Mariodacat said...

We're so very sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is like losing one of our children becuase our pets are our children too. Hugs to he humans in their time of need.

Ruby and Penny said...

We are so, so sorry to hear that April crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Sending love & support across the miles.
Love Ruby, Penny & Joyelle

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal - may you find peace and comfort in fond memories.

Marg said...

We are so very sorry that April had to leave you. It is so sad and we are sending tons of hugs and many woofs. You certainly will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Tucker The Crestie said...

We were so very sorry to learn from Ann at Zoology that April has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Her passing undoubtedly leaves a huge hole in your hearts, but her memory will live on.

Sending all of you lots of hugs.

Tucker The Crestie said...

We were so very sorry to learn from Ann at Zoology that April has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Her passing undoubtedly leaves a huge hole in your hearts, but her memory will live on.

Sending all of you lots of hugs.

HoundDogMom said...

Our hearts are heavy as we have just heard that April has crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. Amber we are so sorry for your loss and we know your heart is aching, but remember the good times and memories. {{HUGS}} Sniffs, The HoundDogs and Mom

Asta said...

My heawt is bweaking fow you
Sweet Apwil, wun pain fwee wif ouw angels..I'll see you someday ovew the bwidge, in the meantime I'm sending my love to youw sad family
fawewell till we meet again
sad smoochie kisses

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Comforting purrs, we were very sorry to learn that April went to the Rainbow Bridge.

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

April run free at the rainbow bridge sweet girl!!!!

Our hearts go out to your family!

Extra Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Pippen said...

We are so sorry to hear of your loss of April. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Sam and Pippen

Random Felines said...

We just heard that April ran for the Bridge....we are so sorry.... there is just nothing that makes it easier - but please know we are sending purrs and we understand.

Fuzzy Tales said...

We've just read that April now has gone to the Bridge and came to say how sorry we are, and send purrs and purrayers to you all.

(((Hugs))) and kitty kisses.

Unknown said...

Oh my.......we are so sad to hear bout da beautiful April's crossing. We know your entire pack is missing her terribly.

Sending Lotsa love and hugs your way....

The Heartbeats said...

So very sorry to hear about April. She is whole again at the Rainbow Bridge...

Mamma Heartbeat

Remington said...

I am so sorry to hear about April.... R.I.P. sweet April....until we meet again....

Stewey said...

So very sorry to hear about April.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

meowmeowmans said...

We are so very sorry to hear that April had to run of to the Bridge.

Purrs, prayers and hugs to you all.

Lovable Lily said...

Sending our biggest Doxie hug's to you during this difficult time.

Run free April!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Jasper McKitten-Cat said...

So sorry for you loss. We'll be purring for you...

Sue said...

We were so sorry to hear about April crossing the bridge. We're sure that Monty, Lucy and Tsar are all waiting there to show her around and introduce her to everyone.

It's so hard to lose one of our fur babes. I still can't believe that Tsar won't come to greet me each morning.
Morgan and the Porties and Mom Sue

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

So sorry to hear of Sweet April's demise. Sending our sympathy to you and the family.
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
and mommy Cassie

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Sending Lots of Golden Thoughts, LOVE n Prayers. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs,Sugar

Pip said...

We are so sorry to hear of April's passing. We send healing purrs for you during your separation, until you meet again.

The Island Cats said...

We just heard that April went to the Bridge. We are so very sorry. We send you comforting purrs and headbutts to help ease your sadness.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hello, we heard the news of sweet April passing to the Rainbow Bridge and wanted to send our sincere sympathy to all in your family. Hugs from our family to yours. So sorry. Love Stella and Rory (and Carol)

Oskar said...

Just letting you know that we are still here & still sending you love & prayers.

Oskar & Pam

Karen Jo said...

I am terribly sorry that April ran off to the Rainbow Bridge. I know how much it hurts. Hugs from me and purrs from Herman and Spyro.

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am deeply sorry that April crossed the bridge. I know it is little comfort, but at least she has no pain and is running free now.

Anne and Sasha

Bobbie said...

I don't know what to say... my heart breaks for you. ((((HUGS)))))))

Rama's Mama said...

Oh my, I am so very sad to see this this morning. :-( Our love and prayers go out to you. Rest in Peace little one. If there is anything we can do during this sad time, do let us know. Bless you all. <3

Douglas said...

We are so sorry to hear about April. May she run fast and free at the bridge.

Douglas and Jaime

Scooter said...

We are so sorry to hear about April. Our hearts go out to you and your family. We are all here for you.


Mickey's Musings said...

We are very sad to learn that April has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. We are sending comforting purrs.We know how much you all miss sweet April.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

Groucho said...

We saw your sad news on Douglas' blog and even though we never knew April, we just wanted to say we are so sorry for your loss and we hope April is resting peacefully. Our thoughts are with you.

Groucho and his peeps