Apr 27, 2012

My No Name Postee

A Note to all me furiends from ME and da Momma who still isn't functioning very well.......

We wants to thank each and every one of you's out dere fur all da comfort and support you gave when me sissy April started her journey 'cross da Rainbow Bridge.  My last postee had over 130 heartfelt comments about April......a lot of you I didn't nose until now.  Blogville is da bestest place on Earth.

Also thank you to every buddy who mentioned our loss on their blogs.  Because of you, we met so many new furiends.

Thank you, Ann, for this beautiful badge for April.
Me would like to share wit all of you some flashy beast photos of me sissy on da day her was admitted into da hospital.

Here her is wit two cards her got.......
A special "Hugs" card from MADI
A birfday card from FRANKIE & ERNIE.
April 18 was sissy's 11th birfday.

Thank you, guys!  You made sissy's last days special!

Da Momma gotted dis beautiful Pineapple table topper from Blogville's own Agnes, from
Thank you, Agnes.
Me just nose dat April and Ginger are ruling their pawt of Rainbow Bridge togedder and havin so much fun! 
(Dat be Benji's head in da background)

Some of the pack saying goodbye before April went to da hospital.
Jennie gave her a kiss on da forehead while Bailey and Rusty waited dere turn.  Of course ya'll nose who dat is sittin on da top step, don't ya?  Mee has to rule da kingdom Queendom from up high!
Finally, dis be da very last photo taken of my Sissy April.
Hopes me gets me assistant back soon butt da Momma is very sad right now and keeps to hers self.  So me did da best me could wit dis postee.

Thank you all fur lovin' me sissy April
Da Momma did update Sissy April's personal page on her's website.  If  ya'll have da time, you can reads it by clicking



Bassetmomma said...

Beautiful pictures of April.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Amber this is just a lovely post tribute fur our dear ANGEL. I am so very much glad that the cards made it to her in time.
That Pineapple quilt is just beautiful.

The Daily Pip said...

Thanks for sharing all these beautiful pictures of April. We are sending your mom lots of love.

Your pal, Pip

Beth said...

I am so sorry for your loss....the picture is beautiful....take care, my friends....

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Everyone at Team Beaglebratz sendz their hugz an'Beagle kissez tu your mom. Thoze r sum nise pikchurz - mom almost got leaky eyez when she saw all the pack sayin'their goodbyez tu April - such a sweet pikchure. You did a good job with the postin'.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Random Felines said...

we are sending purrs and kitty kisses - we know how much it hurts and hope your mom knows she can take all the time she needs - and we love you guys!!

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm so sorry. I know you and your family miss April very much. Give me da Momma some kisses and snuggles for me. I told my buddy Boz, who went to the Bridge on the same day, to keep an eye out for Miss April and make sure she could find her way around okay. I bet they're having fun together now!

Dachshund Nola said...

Thank you for sharing these pictures. Tell your momma to take all the time she needs, well always be here when she's ready.

Just Jess for now said...

Again, I haven't been very good at keeping up with what is going on. I am so sorry to hear about April and send you and your Mama some huge hugs. Keeping your family in our prayers. *hug*

ZOOLATRY said...

A truly lovely memorial to April, with very sweet photos ...
thinking of you dear lady.

Bailey Be Good! said...

Nala and I are so, so sorry to hear the news. We're sending over lotsa woofs & huggies for you and your family. We'll be thinking of you. <3

~Bailey & Nala (Yep, we're girls!)

My Mind's Eye said...

Amber you did a very very nice job on today's post!! Mom and I just loved the picture of April with her pack on the steps. We can see that she was a true matriarch of your pack and loved and admired by all for her personality and bravery. It was sad to lose Ginger and April but we are so glad they are together and are positive they are pack leaders over the Bridge.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Old Kitty said...

Oh sweet Amber da Weenie! Me and Charlie are teary eyed for the loss of your gorgeous sister April. She is certainly lighting the Bridge up with her sparkly beauty and bravery! take care

Bobbie said...

What a beautiful post in memory of your beautiful sissy. **wiping tears way** Give your mama a hugs for me... k?

Stewey said...

Thank you for your beautiful and emotional post. We still hold all of you in our thoughts and prayers.

3 doxies said...

Hang on, I go gets some snot rags.

Okays, I is back. Dis is such a beautiful tribute to Miss April. Her looks so beautifuls and happies in da fotos. I will always remembers her dat way. She brought so much love to your family and to mine.
and I thank you withs all my heart fur sharin' hers with us if it was only just a postie heres and theres.
We send our loves to ya'll and hopes dat ya'll can find some peace.
We loves ya'll

Puddles and family

Duke said...

We know just how hard it is to lose a precious member of your family. (((hugs)))

Love ya lots,

Jans Funny Farm said...

We went by to read April's updated story. She was certainly loved and is being missed by all of you and all her friends. Thank you for sharing the photos and story. They are a lovely tribute to April's life. {{{{hugs}}}} for your mom.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are all very sad about poor April. But you gave her a beautiful tribute post here. The rainbow frames are so nice on all her gorgeous photos. Please give your Mom some gentle hugs and smoochie kisses from all of us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Two beautiful tributes for a beautiful lady: Ann's badge and your post. April was much loved and will be greatly missed.

Jed & Abby

bichonpawz said...

We are very sorry for your loss and hope that you all will be feeling better soon. This is a wonderful tribute to your April. xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Mi gawjuss girl wos soooo beeyootifuls, Mee wos sooo lucki to havs her luvs likkle mee. Mee knows her is wotchin mee froms da Bridge soo mee is gonna do lots ovs fings to makes her smile up dere. Mee will always luvs her.
Dis wos a most pawfect post Amber Fank Yoo

HH and The Boys said...

Sending you lots of purrrrrrs. I know how sad you are. HH and I have leaky eyes over here for you. Loved the baby pictures of April.

pawhugs to all of you, Max

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Dearest Amber,

What a beautiful post. Mommy went over to read April's update last night after she read your post. She stayed there for hours reading about all the lucky doggies to have been loved by your Mommy. You all are very lucky dogs to have your Mom. She cried a lot but laughed too. Mommy thinks crying is good, she does it even when sh's happy, but their has just been to much crying around Blogville of late. The rainow garden looks so peaceful.

Love ya so much.....Weenie

PS....If Mommy ever gets Blogger to work again, she's gonna do a post of the toys she bought with the gift card youmsent us.

KB said...

We send you our heartfelt sympathies. April was so sweet, and she was so lucky to be loved and adored by you.

I can only imagine how hard this past week has been for all of you. Many hugs to all you.

Take care of yourselves, and we will all being thinking of you and of April, atop the Rainbow Bridge.

Doxie Rod said...

oh amber, that was such a beautiful post. we are still thinking of you and your mom and the loss you have experienced. i hope it gets a little easier every day.

Oskar said...

What lovely pictures.

I know that all of you must miss April so much.

Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Kolchak Puggle said...

We are sending love and snuggles to your family and especially your Mama. We are so very sorry for your loss.

Elaine Pritchard said...

Dear Angel April

We will love you and miss you always but I am so pleased that you knew you were surrounded by love all the time right through to the very end of your life here. Those pictures of you are so very special.

I am honoured to have known you just a tiny bit through our blogs.

Love and licks, Winnie

Anonymous said...

Mom and I know this is a tough time for you and your family. We send you our love in hopes that it gives you some comfort as you grieve.

The Roo Family

haopee said...

I don't like it when my friends lose their loved ones. The only comfort I find is when I know that they have lived a happy life and that they're in doggy heaven when every street has a bone and fire hydrants everywhere.


Huggies and Cheese,


White Dog Blog said...

Your sissy was a beautiful girl on earth and is even more radiant now that she is an angel! Thanks for sharing the photos and the sadness. Feel our paws and arms wrapping your momma and all of your family in a circle of love and safety; we all understand and send comforting prayers.

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

We are so very sorry for your loss, guys :-(

This is such a touching tribute

Groucho said...

Amber, you have done a wonderful job in your tribute to your sister. It is such an incredibly sad sad time when one of the family leaves us. We are all thinking of you.



Shane Kent Louis said...

Oh, April is really stunning in these pictures.

Dog Fence

Suzanne said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our heartfelt sympathies are with you and your family.

Run free April.

Ziggy Stardust said...

What a beautiful tribute to beautiful April. My Mommy gets very sad too sometimes and she needs to just be by herself. I hope your Mommy feels better soon .

Loveys Sasha

Suka said...

hey Amber,

What a beautiful, heartfelt tribute you pawed for sweet April. We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Our hearts and prayers and love go out to you and your mom and your family during this difficult time.

The Pinapple table topper is very cool and the picture is so cute, especially with Benji's head popping out! The photo tribute that your friend Ann made for April is lovely, and so special.

The photos of April are all beautiful but the one that brought my human and I to tears the most is the one of the Pack kissing sweet April good-bye. You are so lucky to have captured that moment on film, it is precious. And April in her bad, your very last photo of her, is beautiful.

With deepest sympathy,

Suka and K

Bailey Be Good! said...

Dropping off some woofs & huggies -- Nala and I are thinking of you! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Doxie Rod said...

hi amber! i hope your mom is feeling stronger every day. we are still thinking of your family and hope everyone is doing ok.

Chicco said...

What a beautiful memorial of April.
We will never forget her.
Woof, woof,


Teddy said...

What a beautiful tribute fur April, she was such a beauty!

Im ever so sorry fur your loss, we only just found out! :(
Sending my love & thoughts during this difficult time
Teddy xxx

White Dog Blog said...

We stopped by to give you a giant hug! Paws and arms around you all in comfort and friendship as you go through so much adjustment now. We ask the Universe to make your pain less and your road less rugged. Glad the story of Digby and Wolf gave momma a reason to smile.