Jun 19, 2012

Do Dis Count???

Hi All Me Furiends!!!

Today be

Me wants to share me most favorite box wit all of you's!



Same Day...Different News
Da Momma has finally finished her update page fur ME and mah Pack.   It be bout time Mom....It was DUE last year!
Click HERE to visit us



HH and The Boys said...

Love your toy box Amber.... And tell your mom that she did a great job on the page for you and your pack...

pawhugs, Max

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We Beaglebratz think your toybox iz NEETO-SWEETO! An'we love your new page - we didn't know there were so furry many doggiez at your house - bet playtime iz FUNTIME!
Shiloh'n Shasta

The Daily Pip said...

Now, that's my kind of box!

Your pal, Pip

Dexter said...

Please forward that box to my estate at once (include all contents, even wiener dog).


ShellePenn said...

We are laughing at Mango!! Hahaha :)

I loves your favorite box... we don't have a toy box... we has a toy basket... two of them in fact. But we don't think the toys need to stay in it... we keep them on the floor. We deserve a toy floor, don't you think?

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Unknown said...

Toy box is my kinnda box!
Best wishes Molly

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Amber! Me and Charlie think you in your toy box is adorable! Yay!!

Awww we love your new updated shiny sparkly page! It's so good to meet all of you!!! Yay! Awwww love the pics of angel April!

We are so sad for Benji but we are glad his remaining time is full of love and care!

Awwww hello Annie's Mittens!! Aww!

take care

Unknown said...

That is sooo adorable Amber! I love the picture! Cute cute cute!!!

A MilShelb Mom said...

LOVE the box! We're headed to check out the other page now.
~Milly and Shelby

Matilda the Boxer said...

A toy box is the BEST kind of box!

Millie and Walter said...

I think the toy box is a fantastic box to be in for International Box day.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Your TOY BOX is the BESTEST Use of a BOX I ever did see!!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yes, of course it counts! Hooray for boxes, and I love yours!

Suka said...

hey Amber,

Pawsome box! It counts in my book! ;->

Your mom did a fantastic job on your Update page. Wonderful photos of such beautiful dogs! And even two cute little bipeds!


Suka said...

hey Amber,

Pawsome box! It counts in my book! ;->

Your mom did a fantastic job on your Update page. Wonderful photos of such beautiful dogs! And even two cute little bipeds!


Duke said...

That is the most perfect box, Amber!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Sweet William The Scot said...

The worlds best box ever ~ the toy box. Well maybe the treat box is better. Great thinking there Amber. You are so intelligent when it comes to boxes how you think outside the box amazes me.
Sweet William The Scot

The Florida Furkids said...

A box AND toys!! How cool is that?

Happy International Box Day!!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Anonymous said...

For sure, that's the best box in the house!! :) Going to check out your Pack's Page now!

Elyse and Riley

Wyatt said...

That is the best kind of box...full of TOYS!


Lorenza said...

The best of the boxes!
I like it a lot too!
Happy International Box Day!
Kisses and hugs

Lovable Lily said...

The perfect toy box Amber! We think you look mighty fine sitting in there too.

Lily Belle

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Pawesome use of a box, Amber - you did great!!!

Thanks for participating in International Box Day.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Dachshund Nola said...

Happy box day!

White Dog Blog said...

A box doesn't have to be square, right? We like that you are thinking OUTSIDE of the box...hahahahhaha

You mom did a swell job on the family page. All of your pack members are so handsome and lovable. We are glad that you included April. We send WDA strength and positive energy to Benji. He is a very brave warrior.

haopee said...

Hello dear Amber. I checked your Pack's page. There were so many family members I haven't met yet.

Anyway, I kind of like your toy box. It's the best box in the world as it has stuffs that keep doggies occupied.

Our prayers to dear Benji.Hugs.

Huggies and Cheese,


Unknown said...

Amber, you are a genius! The toy box is the best box!!!
And, you look darn adorable there.
Nubbin wags, Joules and Prescott

Ziggy Stardust said...

The toy box is the best of all boxes Amber!

Loveys Sasha

My Mind's Eye said...

Amber that is a precious picture of you and it does appear that you are being very kind to pose in spite of yourself.
Hugs from your BFFF

My Mind's Eye said...

Please give your sweet Mom a snuggle from us. We just finished looking at your Pack page. Oh my goodness what a lovely post full of so much love and care. All any breathing being wants is to be loved, have a good home and some food...anything else is an added surprise. You Mom goes above and beyond to show you all 10 times that each and every day.
hugs Madi and Mom

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

That's a great toy box, Amber! Sammy-Joe says he loves cardboard boxes, and when he sees one he can't resist trying to get inside it, no matter how small it is. Lily's favorite box is the one that holds her 49 tennis balls! And Trixie says she prefers boxes containing dog treats and rawhide bones.

Mollie said...

Wow, cool toy box!! Your Mums new page looks great, sorry to read of all the bad new's. I'm new to bloggie, so just popped in to say hi.
Mollie x :)

KB said...

That's a great box - the best of them all!!!!

Scrappy Angel said...

The pawfect box!

Great post and I LOVED the Pack page! LIFE is hard sometimes. For the humans and anipals. Just one day at a time.

Kippy Marrie said...

Amber amiguinha querida...
Que bom que voce está bem.
Aqui no Brasil está muito frio e chovendo... Peninha, gosto de verão, sol e das flores da Primavera.
Tem que esperar...
Ótimo dia amiguinha fofa e fique com o Papai do Céu.
Aus 1000 e Beijos 1000 com carinho das amigas do Brasil...


Beans4Biscuits said...

Amber I sure wish I could finds you in MY toybox! Now that would be the mostest fun thing ever!

Sugar the Who

Doxie Rod said...

that definitely counts!! very creative and nice hat :)

Elaine Pritchard said...

Toys toys toys toys!!!!

I love the page about all the dogs in your family's life.

Love and licks, Winnie

Stewey said...

Awww, how adorable!

Bassetmomma said...

Your toy box is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Great toy box! :)

Hope you are weathering the storm okay. Lot of wind and rain at my place butt no damage to speak of. Be safe k? :)

Waggin at ya,

Bobby said...

Our toy box is our best box too, though I poke my head in any box incase there is a treat in.
Licks Bobby