Aug 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Hellooooo Every Buddy!

Wanna nose what me is fankful fur today?
Me gonna tell you even ifs you don't wanna nose!

Me is fankful fur all me furiends out dere!

Thank you fur all da prayers fur my human sissy when her was in the hop-pit-al.  Her did get well enough to come home
her is still purrty sick.  Almost every day her tempy goes up to over 103.  Maybe fur a pup like me dat isn't too bad.  But fur a peep, dat be a purrty high temp. tingy.  
Sissy went to da dogter today and may be going back to da hop-pit-al place again next time her temp spikes like dat.

Me and da brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) got to go fur a ride.
We got so x-cited and thought maybe we was goin on va-k-shun again.  Butt Dad played a trick on us and only took us around da block!   Squirrel Poop!!!
Special prayer request fur our good furiends at
Poppy Vic is battling the ugly C Monster and is in the hospital.
Ann and Poppy Vic need POTP and some extra hugs, so please stop by and visit the Zoolatry Girls, Zoey and Maggy, and leave some hugs for their pawrents.
Thank you all fur being my furiends.


Unknown said...

Loving you and Max in the car but just round the block.....what a cheat. Nevermind squiggle poop aside we hope you have a great day.
Best wishes Molly

3 doxies said...

Oh girl, you knows without a doubt we is sendin' special vibes and thoughts to your hooman sissy. I can't imagine how stressed and worried dis makes your mom.
I suppose a trip around da block ain't too least he didn't takes you to da vet.


Lovable Lily said...

We still have our paws crossed for your hooman sissy. We hope she doesn't have to go back to the Vet's again!

A ride, a ride, a ride.... Oh! Only around the block? You're right, you got jipped! We think you should have at least gone out for ice cream.

Hope you have a pawsome Thursday!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, your peeps let you drive?! I've been trying to talk Momma into that for ages! Maybe this weekend...

By the way, happy Dachshund Day! I heard it was this morning on Facebook, and I knew there were some furiends I had to wish a good day. :)

Jo's World said...

Hi Amber!

More blessings for your sister and wishes that she get well soon.

Next time your Pop takes you in the car, point out where the Dairy Queen is!


Jo's World said...

Hi Amber!

More blessings for your sister and wishes that she get well soon.

Next time your Pop takes you in the car, point out where the Dairy Queen is!


ShellePenn said...

Many prayers for all your furiends and family who are sick! xx

Sometimes a ride round the block is pretty good... but a ride to PetSmart is better!!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Dachshund Nola said...

Our paws are still crossed

Duke said...

Our paws remain crossed for your hooman sissy, Amber. We don't want her to have to return to the hospital!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ruby said...

I'm sendin' you and your family some AireZens....all four paws crossed and wishin' really, really hard that your sissy won't have to go back to the hospital, and gets really well soon.



My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Amber...we will most definitely keep your family and Ann and Poppy Vic in our purrs and thoughts.

You are looking quite beautiful today
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Ernie and I have our Paws Tightly crossed fur your Hu-sister and fur Miss Ann and Mr. Vic.

I am so glad to see and hear from you again. I have missed you.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Lightning was mad the other day because he thought he was going to get a ride in the car too. But all he got was in trouble - again!

We hope your sister will be doing much better soon. It must be such a worry for her family.

And poor Poppy Vic and Ann - we are thinking of them and hoping he will be able to come home soon.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sweet William The Scot said...

Hellooo Amber ~ I have kept your human sissy in my prayers ever since you told us she had that rare disease. I am sure you do alot to keep her spirits up.
Now about that ride, well I guess around the block is better than no ride geez.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

haopee said...

Hi Amber. Sorry I missed about your human Sissy. Is she feeling better now?

We are praying for her speedy recovery from the very awful sickies.

Huggies and Cheese,


Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Amber and adorable brother Max!! You are both so lovely!!

We send many healing hugs to your Sissy! Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks for the update, we have been worried about your human sis and are still sending lots of purrs and prayers her way.

Anonymous said...

Oh you guys are such sweet dogs and grreat furiends!!
Prray forr all the dogs in need out there that they get to be as lucky as you and I...
And of courrse prray forr the humans in need and yous sisterr...

Suka said...

hey Amber,

You are such an amazing pup with one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen! You have a very sick sissy, and a very sick friend yet you took the time to write me such a heartfelt comment and have 36 beautiful and loving paws praying for me to heal. I am very humbled by your graciousness and goodness.

Please know that me and my Pack (including my human, K) send much love and prayers to your sissy for her recovery. We are so sad to read she was in the hospital and we pray she does not need to return but that the love of all of you and your friends help her to heal.

Also, our paws are crossed for Poppy Vic that he defeats that horrible C Monster.

Thank you again, Amber, and to your mom. You all rock!


Rama's Mama said...

Sending prayers for your hooman sissy, too. I hope everting is all better VERY soon!

And you got squirrel poop???? LUCKY!