Oct 28, 2012

Better In Black 'N White :o)

Da following words are brought to you's from me sponsor!

Thank you, Amber...
I wanted to say thanks to everyone who left such kinds words on our last post announcing Amber's progressive loss of sight and eventual blindness.  With POTP and all the prayers, we can't lose!  Instead we're thinking positive in the hope that the additional supplements will delay the inevitable for as long as possible.
And, on another topic.....
It seems that Florida is usually in the direct path of a hurricane.  This time we were spared a direct hit.  Instead our friends to the North will feel the fury of Hurricane Sandy.
We're saying lots of extra prayers today for everyone in Sandy's path.

BE SAFE!     


Lovable Lily said...

Hi Amber,
We are so thankful that you missed the brunt of the BIG Sandy storm! Now it's heading our way here in NY. We're keeping a close eye on it. We hope that it doesnt hinder our travel plans for heading your way on the 5th.

Mommy has been really busy trying to get stuff ready so we apologize for missing the post about your eye sight. You can count on us for sending you the Power of the Paw! We will include you in our daily prayers. We can only imagine how your hoomans are dealing with this news. We know that they are going to do what ever it takes to keep you safe my furend.

Have a great Sunday!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Oh we think of dear Amber. We are glad you are all safe. Have a super Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ha ha - love that B & W shot!

Amber is forever in our thoughts and we continue to send strong sibe vibes for her to do well with her vision problems.

We are glad you have been spared from this hurricane and have our many pals along the East Coast in our thoughts and prayers.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

ZOOLATRY said...

Amber ... you're adorable in black and white, in color ... any color! Our humom says if you ever need 'em (and we purr & pray you do not) ... she's got spectacles in every room of the house that you can borrow!
PS ... we join you in wishing all our east coast and northeast friends and family safety from the storm ...

Unknown said...

POTP for Amber! Glad we missed Sandy too!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Marg said...

Oh Amber we are so sorry you are losing your sight, but just start remembering where everything is and then tell the Mom not to change anything but we are sure she knows that already. We are sure praying for all those people in the path of that darn hurricane. Have a most wonderful day.

Bassetmomma said...

Glad your all safe from Sandy and our thoughts are with everyone in her path. We will keep sending our good vibes for Amber and you know what.....I think peeing in black and white is better! LOL!

GOOSE said...

So happy you are safe. But we will pray for the others. And we will continue to have you in our prayers as well.

Old Kitty said...

Oh Amber!! Beautiful Amber!! We are so sorry to read this - we are a bit behind with our blogging and missed this! Oh dear. We send you many purrs and hugs!!!

Please be safe too!! Take care

♥ Sallie said...

Yep. Looks like Sandy is headed our way. The wind is really picking up here in NY.

We believe in positive energy! And carrots! I love carrots. Vitamin A is good for the eyes!


Ruby said...

Oh, Amber, you looks great in ANY color!! You just shine!
I'm so glads that that mean o' Sandy isn't hittin' your neck of the woods, buts we'll be keepin' our paws crossed that everyone is safe in the b*tches path!



Berts Blog said...

Wow, we are so glad Sandy missed you. We think of Sweet Amber everyday and hope that you can delay the blindness.

Stay safe today

Bert and My Vickie

HH and The Boys said...

We know your positive attitude will help. Just let us know whenever you need a few extra purrrrs. And, we're sending purrs to the Hurricane Sandy folks too.... Stay Safe.

hugs, Max, Bugsy, and Knuckles

Duke said...

We are happy that Sandy spared Florida because that's where our Gram lives and now she's headed for us but we have lots of cake to keep us from starving!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey sweetie pie...just when I think you can not be any cuter you show us such a sweet picture in blk and white. Amber don't you worry your friends will be right by your side to help as you need it. Mom told me when you lose one sense God gives you an extra special dose of another sense...So we are sure you will find your way
Many purrs and love

Rama's Mama said...

I'm so sorry I missed the post about your eyesight getting worse. :-( Sending positive and healing thoughts and vibes to you!

We are in Florida, too. So glad we missed the worst of the storm but worried for our friends up north. Take care!


Murray's Mouth said...

The storm is headed our way tomorrow evening. We are prepared...I hope!

Scooter said...

Thats a great picture in black and white.

Jazzi and Addi

Anonymous said...

So glad the hurricane missed you guys this time. My aunt and cousins live there so I am relieved that for once they weren't evacuating. Hoping all our northern friends are okay.

So sorry your baby is losing her sight. One of the dogs at our dog park (he was rescued from the shelter I volunteered at) has lost almost all of his too. I was actually surprised at how well Beau has done despite this. He is a wonderful dog. Looks like yours is as well.

Dachshund Nola said...

So cute!

Doxie Rod said...

Glad Florida had a rare treat of missing the storm! We are bracing for impact here in Virginia but shouldn't get the worst of it. Glad you are safe! Your pictures really made me laugh! So great in black and white!

Wyatt said...

Sending our love your way. Power of the paw for health and safety through storms of every kind.

Wyatt and Stanzie

bichonpawz said...

Hi Amber! We want you to know that we are sending out lots and lots of prayers and good vibes that you will maintain your eyesight as long as you possibly can!!! Glad that Sandy missed you, but NOT glad that we are in the path now. Hope you are doing ok...we love the black and white photo! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all sending you purrs each and every day sweet Amber!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber, Jet here.

Oh, Black and White suits you!

Yes, as fellow Floridians, we send "stay safe" wishes to those affected... we're keeping tabs on our loved ones already...

Jans Funny Farm said...

We're saying extra prayers for those in the path of the storm too.

Amber, be well!

KB said...

Beautiful black and white! We are still sending the POTP. I hope that you can delay that bad disease for as long as possible, sweet Amber.

White Dog Blog said...

We are very glad you were spared Sandy's wrath and join your prayers asking for the protection for everyone, two- and four-legged, in the path.