Every Buddy!
Me is not barkin at Mom today!
Me might never barks wit her again...
Me is so.....MADD!
Can any buddy's out dere send me a new assistant?
Her made me dessert...no dat not right!
Her made me miss da
![]() | ||
See.....It Says NOVEMBER 4 |
Butt...Better Late Den Never
We hopes fur true peace all over da world....All Da Time....
(Not just on November 4)
Not only did her make me miss out on
Her also made me miss
So Here's to you, Mom!
Like me said...can me borrow some buddy's assistant until da Momma puts her head back on.
(Me tinks it keeps fallin off and gettin' lost in all da rubble of da new room construction or non-construction)
Amber, Max, and
The Pack
Well at least, she did get through. We didn't know the blog for peace either!
Unfortunately, I am booked for Chooey and pack pictorials.
Huggies and Cheese,
Ha ha ha That is one of the best stinck eye I have seen from all last month and that was a stink eye month for sure.
Dont worry, give her a day or two and she will be back in the game.
If not, I can send you Allred to stir up a little trouble to get her attention.
We hope everything gets back to normal soon. Bad heads are no fun at all.
Hey Amber you can have my assistant. Be careful what you wish for. LOL. Nice catch up and peace to all. Have a lovely Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Good help is SO hard to find!
LOL It looks like you're taking care of things quite nicely though. I hope you find your assistant is back on the job soon! Happy Monday!
I like you Black & White Stink Eye Monday picture BOL!
We can never be late for PEACE. And loved!!!! the black and white. Happy Monday to ya.
Hi Amber...if/when I become Mayor there will be new rulings in place for slacker Moms!! Three strikes and they get a wet noodle beatin'.
That being said though renovations are a bear to deal with so we might her slip on this transgression
Hugs Madi your BFFF
I have trouble with my staff sometimes too....it can be hard to get things done.... LOVE the stink eye shot!
Hi Amber - The DIVA Shasta here. We Beaglebratz wood gladly give u our mom 'cept I really really REALLY doubt that she wood b any improvement. Granted, we did git our Blog4Peace post dun yesterday BUTT our mom just ain't furry much crafty an'coodn't even add our pikchure tue the globe pikchure. An'it gitz REALLY kerazy here in the morninz when mom hazta go off tue the werk place - sumtimez we Beaglebratz worry that she will go off - like blast off. An'we don't even know if we will git our mealz when we iz SUPPOZE tue. Nope, I wood NOT recommend our mom tue NO ONE!
The DIVA Shasta
Well Amber, I think we should do the Blog 4 Peace every day anyway, so you aren't late at all, just unique and it is such an important subject, someone should do it every day.
You sure don't want our assistant. She is older than dirt and totally useless. Hope you have a great week.
Better late than never is right!
Oh boy, your assistant sure is slacking! She made you miss not one, but TWO events!! Give her a little break though...ya know, with all the stress of the non-construction going on...! He he!
Happy Monday, Amber, to you and your whole pack (and even your lousy assistant)!! :)
Elyse and Riley
Beautiful Amber!! We hope mum gives you extra treats as penance! :-)
Take care
Hey! You don't live to far from me,,,, come on over here!!!! I's in Davenport! We'll just fix your Mom!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
Hey! You don't live to far from me,,,, come on over here!!!! I's in Davenport! We'll just fix your Mom!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
Well, Amber, we really do need peace everyday, so it is just fine that you did your post today.
And what's wrong with a Black and White Monday when the pic is as nice as yours!!!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We are so happy to see this better late than never, Amber. A wonderful post!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
I just loves your post Amber!! NEVER too lates to blog 4 peace!! Holdin' paws with you in peace...
I think you might have started somethin' with the 'stink-eye Monday'!! LOVE it! Ands, you looks just beautifuls too!
You sure don't want my asst. Nice post even if it's late. Peace to all your pack.
Those Mamas...can't live with 'em can't live without their opposable thumbs!
i hope your mommas head is better.
Sweet friend, EVERY day is a good day to Blog for Peace! Your globe is beautiful!
Construction is tough on everyone, especially on mommas, who have to try and keep things "normal" during all of the mess and chaos.
Focus on peace and harmony and leaning on each other during these tough times. "Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me..."
I'll be your assistant, Amber!
I'd love to help but mom's are always the best help, buddy
You can bark for Peace any old day, and today is just fine! Here’s to Peace for all species, today and every single day!
We won't offer to loan you Jan. She probably forgets more than your mom does.
I don't think that my mom person would be any help, she's a mess!
Nubbin wiggles,
OMD, my mom has been slacking too! Maybe we should run an ad in the paper for a new blog assistant!
Peace to all of you my sweet pals.
Loveys Sasha
Heh heh heh that's a really good stink-eye Amber ;)
Waggin at ya,
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