May 23, 2013

Me's Back Again :)

Me hopes ya'll still remembers me...

We's got back from Mitten-Gan and da Momma is buried by laundry (should have furs like us, Mom), 87 thousand junk emails, and lots of flashies of us on our twip to go through. says NO MORE WAITING....gots to go visit all me furiends and start tellin dem bouts me va-k-shun to Mitten-Gan.

So much to tells you bout so me will start wit Day 1 and pawt of Day 2.  Den me next few posties will be bout da rest of da x-citing twip.



Here Goes........

Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) checks our gween twavel bag jus' before leaving our house!   Mom, dis bag looks a bit empty.....let's get some more foodables in dere!

Finally...on da road!  (Only 2 hours later den we x-pected)

 Hey, look guys!  Dad already stopped fur donuts and we's only been twavelin fur 87 seconds!

Hope he remembers to get one fur each of us!

{Insert Devilish snicker}  He gots three donuts butt dey all gonna be fur me.  Every buddy nose me's DAD's VELCRO DOG!  (In odder words, me's Dad's favorite..HeHeHe)

Should me be worried?

Him only has one bag!

Look every buddy....Big traffic mess in Atlanta GA
(Wish me would have saved one of those donuts)
Some buddy not gonna haves a nice va-k-shun!
Finally we arrives in Chatter-New-Ga, Tenner-See to spend da night!  (Mom not gonna have a pillow tonight)

 DAY 2
Back on da road again!
We made a fast stop in Lexington KY (where all da horsies are) to say HI to Shelle, NEWBY, DIXIE, AND MILO
Yes...really!  IN DA FURS!!! 
We all be in da same picture!
(Mom, you cutted off me head!)
So Hap-Pee to be togedder!
Newby, Dixie, and Milo's Mommy sure nose how to give nice cuddles!

Milo is so handsome butt him doesn't like da flashy beast very much.  (Now who really does like da beast?)
More good cuddles from Shelle

No more pictures, pleeeeeze!

Is dat da STINK EYE or what!  BOL
(Milo, almost got your picture!)
We even gots tweets from our wonderful Kentucky furiends!
Dey's yummy!  Thank you, guys!

Den, too soon we was whisked back on da road again fur our next stop.  
It was so nice meeting NEWBY, DIXIE, AND MILO and dere family in da furs!  We only has one wish.....dat our visit could have been a bit longer.  So much to yap little time.  Butt dat's what happens when you gots a poor twip planner dat makes last-minute plans. time we'll visit longer!

Me next postee will cover da rest of Day 2 and our great lunch with anudder well-known Blogville resident!  So make sure to stop back to get all da poop scoop!
It's so hard coming home and getting such sad news almost immediately.  Mother Nature has reared its ugly head yet again with all guns pointed directly at Moore, Oklahoma and surrounding areas.

Our great furiends, Susie, Sidebite, and Shadow, live within 20 miles of Moore and will be coordinating a relief effort to help all the animals affected by the tornado.

Please visit their blog HERE or visit Frankie and Ernie HERE to get all the de-tails.  It's time once again for Blogville to join together to help in the animal relief effort.
Here's WOOFIN at ya until next time!


Marg said...

Oh Love all the pictures of you on the trip. It sounds like you weren't too far from us. We are about 2 hours from Atlanta. Anyway, it was so much fun to see your pictures and especially good to have you back. We missed you.

stellaroselong said...

Oh we loved looking at your traveling pictures...geeze we barely make it down to caseys and back and you actually get to leave the state...wowie!!!
stella rose

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm SO jealous of all my furiends getting to meet each other in the furs! Isn't anyone coming to Texas??

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Love the photis! Looks like you had a great time!

Unknown said...

Welcome home and you got a meet and greet as well. Glad the journey was OK and you are settling in OK. See ya tomorrow for day two. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Waaaah Waaaaah Whine Whimper... we got SOOOOO excited when we saw the TITLE of this post... WE though that you were BACK "HERE" Again... so we could visit more and PICNIC more and stuffs... Waaaah Waaaah sniff Whine.. WE were Wrong... butt we are really GLAD that you are back HOME all safe and stuffs though.

OMD OMD you had a super visit with Dixie and Milo and Newby and their peeps.. THAT is super cool drool stuffs.
BUTT we Still Wish that you were HERE with US again.
Hugs from the HILL. F & E

Random Felines said...


sounds like your trip started out with a bang - MOL.... can't wait to hear about the rest of it

Dachshund Nola said...

Welcome home! Sounds like fun!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

You guys are home! YAY! We've missed you!
We love those photos of you staring out the window, waiting for your Dad, uh, no, we meant, donuts. MOL!
That's so cool you got to meet our blog pals on your vacation. :D

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a fantastic time. Can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Amber!! We missed you, but we did see your pics on Frankie and Ernie's page--we loved when y'all rode in the wagon!! :)

Looks like you had a fun time! Atlanta traffic is always horrible...driven through Atlanta more times than I care to count and the traffic was bad every single time. Boo!

Elyse and Riley

da tabbies o trout towne said...

amber...glad everee one iz home safe N sound N ya hada grate time...N ya due noe ya had a "golden momint" when yur dad leeved de keys in de car N wented ta get donuts !!!! ewe coulda steered de car while max put de pedal ta de medal.... !!!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Amber! Nice to have you back! I am so glad you had a good time on your trip!!!


Idaho PugRanch said...

Isn't it great to meet furiends in the fur!! Butt it is always good to be home too
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

WOWSERS yoo sure nuff havs been busisomes wee must say,. Wots a loverlyt visits yoo did havs wivs yor furiends n wee is lookin furward to hearin bouts da rest ovs yor trip .
Da K Krew

Millie and Walter said...

Glad you had a good trip. How fun it is to meet fellow bloggers. We can't wait to hear more.

Millie & Walter

NanaNor's said...

Hi Amber, So glad you are back home again and had such fun on vacation. How great to meet some special buddies from blogland. Have a great afternoon.
Wags, Noreen & Hunter

Murray's Mouth said...

Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time!

Sweet William The Scot said...

It was nice getting an e-mail from you. Glad you are home all safe and sound. Looks like you had fun before your stop in Cincinnati. When you left we were singing On The Road Again.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Ruby said...

OMD!!! I loves all those pics of you and the pack (sneaky of her to claim on of the donuts for herself!! hehehe)
Wows, that looked like a FABulous visit with your furends!! AND treaties to go??? SCORE!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad you had a fun trip, Amber, but we're glad you're safely home and posting again.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We just loved all the photos and commentary - great post! Your trip had a great start - always nice to meet up with blogging pals.

Have a great weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

GOOSE said...

Woo Hoo your back!! The trip is starting off great!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD what an exciting trip you are having. I can't wait for more posts!!!

Hurry please

Loveys Sasha

Reuben said...

What a fantastic trip! You all is adorable when waiting for donuts, and how lucky you is to meet Shelle and her pack!


Duke said...

Donuts to start your vacation off is always a plus! We can't wait to hear the rest, Amber!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Donuts????? Sounds like you had the most terrific time!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

The Daily Pip said...

Donuts AND you got to meet Dixie, Milo and Newby!!! Wow, you are so lucky!!!

Your pal, Pip

Brian's Home Blog said...

My goodness, what a fun trip you all had and lots of good lovin' going on too!

Scooter said...

So...glad that you are home safe and sound. Cant wait to hear more!!

Jazzi and Addi

Mollie said...

What fantastic photo's guy's It's the law to stop for Doughnuts you know.Bawahhwaawaha xx0xxx

Mollie and Alfie

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Ah my love, my ♥. I was so happy to see all the fun you had on your trip.It looks like there was enough room in your car for me to smuggle myself in. Just the idea of snuggling with you through all thise nukes has my ♥ thumping.

No sniff you later my girl so heres my ♥.........Weenie

Hey what about Max? Heres some ♥♥♥huggies♥♥♥ just for you.....Mona

Lovable Lily said...

What a pawsome trip you had! Loved seeing you all hanging out with the Simpatico Crew. Aren't they just the best....

Lily Belle & Muffin

Kari in Alaska said...

You gotta stop disappearing!

Stop on by for a visit

ShellePenn said...

We loved, loved, loved meeting you all in the furs. Thank you so much for the copy of the pictures... so very kind of you!!

I wonder if your mom got finished with the laundry... cause our mom would still be at it!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,