Jul 24, 2013

Goodbye Grandpa :(

We have da sads!
Our Grandpa went to da Bridge.
Mommy got to say her final goodbye to her Daddy when her went to Mitten-Gan in May.
The last picture taken...
It was unexpected but very peaceful.
Rest in Peace, Daddy!
Daddy - Stationed in Greenland- 1944
October 18, 1918 -- June 28, 2013
 Our visitors have all gone back to Mitten-Gan after bein' here fur tree weeks.
Me will be back to bloggin soon....or as soon as da Momma finishes puttin' da house back togedder again.
(Hurry Up..Mom)


Linda said...

So sorry "grandpa" has gone to the other side. May peace be with you all.
xo Cinnamon

Matilda the Boxer said...

Momma and I are so sorry for your loss. Big boxer kisses to your momma!

stellaroselong said...

Oh we are very sorry to hear about your loss, we are glad you got to go back to see him this summer, our grandpa was stationed in greenland in the navy about that time also.
Hugs from all of us.
stella rose

rottrover said...

Amber, please give your mom hugs from us.

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Random Felines said...

we are so sorry - kisses to your mom

Lovable Lily said...

We are all VERY sorry to hear this news about Grandpa. As we all know, Grandpa's are very special!

It's wonderful that you got to spend some quality time with him before his passing. That's a beautiful picture of Grandpa and Mom. As hard as it is, remember the good times spent together and the love that you shared.

Sending you lot's of LOVE from NY.

Lily Belle, Muffin & Kim

Unknown said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace grandpa. Love and hugs to you all.
Best wishes Molly

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Dear Amber an'mom - we Beaglebratz (an'mom tue) r so sorry tue hear of "Grandpa's" crossin'the Bridge. Tue Amber - u give your mom sum x-tra cuddlez an'kissez.
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Stewey said...

Oh Amber - I am so very sorry to hear this about your Grandpa. May he rest in peace. You and your family will be in our thoughts during this difficult time.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We are very sorry you had to say good bye to Grandpa.
Sending purrs to your Mommy.

Reuben said...

Oh my, I is so sorry to hear of this sadness. You guys gots to give your mama lots of snuggles and lovins to help her feel better, ok? I knows you will, for you is good dogs.


Noodles said...

So sorry for your loss. I don't think we truly appreciate the value of our elderly relatives until they are gone.
Love Noodles

Marg said...

Oh we are so sorry to hear about grandpa. We know he will be very missed. We sure send tons of prayers and some nice purrs and a big woof. We have you in our thoughts and send great big hugs too.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Sorry to hear you lost your grandpa
Sending lots of pughugs and prayers to you and your family
Bailey, Hazel, Greta & MOm

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Oh Amber, Max, Pack, & Mama!
Wesa all hope and pray that you are given the time and opportunity to grieve and feel God's Love.
Much Love,
Mama Mindy & The Slimmer Puggums

da tabbies o trout towne said...

amber...pleez ta express R sincerest sympatheez two yur mom and her entire family. yur gram paw iz in heaven now; and trooly, therz noe better place ta call....home.....

may God comfort yur mom's heart during this veree sad time


Old Kitty said...

Oh no. Sweet Amber, we are truly sorry. Please accept our deepest and sincerest condolences. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Take care

Ruby and Penny said...

We are so sorry.

Hugs & love

Love Ruby & Penny

TimberLove said...

He looks like quite the gallant gentleman, soft wooos and condolences,

RA, Isis & Nanük

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so sorry to read your sad news. I will say a prayer for all of you. God bless you

Anne and Sasha

Sue said...

Tell your Mom that we're very sorry about her Daddy. We'll be thinking of you tonight when the stars come out.
Morgan, Sebastian, the Porties, Syd and Mac

Dachshund Nola said...

So sorry for your loss.

Duke said...

We are so very sorry, Amber. Hugs to all of you♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Amber and Family,
We are so very much sorry about this sad news. It is good that your mom got to visit with your grandpa one last time. She will treasure that memory furever.

Hugs to you ALL ... from our hill.

Scooter said...

Oh, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your grandpa. My pack is sending your pack warm vibes and loving thoughts.
Grr and a Sad Woof,
Sarge, Furiend

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear of your loss. Grandpas are special.

GizmoGeodog said...

So very sorry for your family's loss

KB said...

I'm so very sorry. Our hearts are heavy for you.

Ruby said...

Oh, I am soooo sorry for your loss.
I know this is gonna be a hard time for you guys, and I'm sendin' you all the AireZens I can muster!
Ruby ♥

Unknown said...

So sorry for your loss, grandpa's are the best. I apologize for my comment about missing you guys. I hadn't seen this. Love Dolly

Life with Wrigs said...

Amber and family, we are so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos. You are in our thoughts.

Susan and Wrigs

FiveSibesMom said...

We are so very, very sorry for your loss...what beautiful photos...I now he is up in Heaven smiling down at you and your family. Sending big hugs your way...

Unknown said...

Oh Amber...I am so sorry for your family's loss. I am sure grandpa will be waiting over the bridge.
*Cairn cuddles*

Bailey Be Good! said...

So sad to hear this news. Sending you lots of woofs & huggies your way! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

haopee said...

Our condolences... I am sure grandpa is in a happier place- where he won't grow old forever. And we're also confident that he lived a fulfilling and complete life.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, dear, we are sorry to be late reading this. We are sorry for the loss of your mom's dad. A big hug for her!