Jul 16, 2014

We Not Be Eaten Yet!

Dis be week 2 of
from Michigan...

K-9 Officer Chase is me buddy.  Him not eated me...yet!

Dad gives him lots of tweets to keep him's tummy full!
(Thank you, Dad)

Where be Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie)??



Little Miss Titch said...

Hehehehe you guyd just crack me up,xx Speedy

Lovable Lily said...

Did you find Max yet?

Officer Chase is so handsome! We bet he's keeping everyone in line over there.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Marg said...

Hi there Officer Chase. You sure are a good looking guy. Please don't eat those cute little doxies. But you do look like a kind dog. You all have a great day.

Millie and Walter said...

We can't believe that Officer Chase would eat any of you. He is so handsome (from Millie).

Linda said...

Officer Chase sure is handsome.
I just can tell he only eats the bad guys.
Have a fun visit.
Did I count 10 doggies in your kitchen?

xo Cinnamon

stellaroselong said...

Oh Boy Howdy we finks that Officer Chase is soooo handsome, and that he would nevers eat any of you. Where is Max?
stella rose

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL you have a most handsome cousin. We have a Shepherd in our hood too...she is a sweet heart.

I don't think German Shep.like wieners...but they like bratwurst. MOL MOL MOL
Hugs madi your bfff

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HI Officer Chase... We are PROUD of you and Thank you fur your Service.
So did you have a MAXimum Snack?

TimberLove said...

Hawwwooo officer Chase BOL BOL BOL!!


Anonymous said...

hahahaha, you better watch officer Chase when he has to go in the back yard...paws are crossed for Max :o)

Duke said...

Officer Chase looks confused. Max must be hiding out somewhere quiet. Look at all of those furs waiting for treats!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Matilda the Boxer said...

Officer Chase is a HIGHLY trained K-9 police officer. I know he wouldn't eat one of his hosts!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oop! We hope that burp was from bacon beer!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Oh noes! Did K9 Officer Chase mistake Brudder Max for a wiener treat? Ooopsss.

Ruby said...

BOL!!! OMD, Officer Chase would nevers eat Theodderweenie! Right Officer Chase? Officer Chase? Um.....okays, nevermind....
Ruby ♥

M. K. Clinton said...

Hahahaha!! That is hilarious! Your guest is quite handsome and must be very brave. Check under him for your brother!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Guess he thought Brudder Max wouldn't be missed in that crowd! BOL!

We don't think K-9 Officer Chase looks like he'd eat a weenie.

Scooter said...

Hey Chase!
Wow, I bet you are a super-duper K9 officer and I'm so proud to know you through my furiends! Thanks for all you do to keep the world safe. Hmmmmm, did you snack on a weenie? Might want to try snausages or milk bones instead. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Police Commissioner

Golden Daily Scoop said...

BOL!!! You guys are too cute to eat!!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

My gosh you guys have a house full of dogs

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Uh Oh....we hope you find Max...soon!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Hilary said...

You are too funny!

Hilary said...

You are too funny!

Just Mags said...

Oh, we think Brudder Max must have decided he wanted out of the picture. Officer Chase is just too nice and good looking to have eaten him. You go look and we bet you find Max real soon. You did give us a chuckle with this post. You Weenies are just sooooo cute and sweet. Keep enjoying your visitors. Hugs and nose kisses

Ziggy Stardust said...

Holy Dogs, you gotta find Max!!! Check where the cookies are, that might be a good start. I am sure he is not in any dogs tummy(snickers).

Loveys Sasha

NanaNor's said...

Amber, Isn't it wonderful that you can have new friends who visit and treat you nice. I'm sure Max is around somewhere close. Looks like quite the party.
Noreen & Hunter

Jans Funny Farm said...

hahahaha. Uh, you are joking, right?

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

No, No, No Chase, you better not have eaten my MAX!! I've come over to tell him I still have lots of kisses left for him and they are free but you will have to pay if you want one.

{{{huggies}} for my Max....Mona

KB said...

Officer Chase would never do such a thing!!!

I'm glad you're having fun!

Sweet William The Scot said...

I know Chase would not eat the Brudder Max. Why Chase would eat you first because girls are sweeter. Bawheheeee. No Chase is such a gentleman look how he is sitting in the kitchen behind all of you just waiting his turn.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot