Aug 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Me's thankful fur


Bet dis pole-dancin tree rat isn't too thankful

Me is NOT thankful fur me
who has been MIA a lot lately.

Me misses all me furiends so much.
Mommy does say her would much rather be helpin' me den what her is doin' a lot of lately.

If ya gots a wittle POTP to spare, can ya sends some to me human sissy.  Da bad Lupus bug is really bitin' hard dis year.  Now da dogters are sayin her might have da glaucoma and da possibility her could go blind in da years to come.
Mommy and Sissy are freakin out!

Oh...and anudder ting me's really thankful fur!



Cowspotdog said...

Our Mom has Lupus too - so we are sending your sissy lots of power of the paw cause we knows what is like.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hey there Amber - we Beaglebratz KNOW what u mean'boutz assistantz - our mom d-sided we Beaglebratz wood set a goal of a thouzand postz by the end of the year then she duzn't haf time tue help so much - HRMPH!

An'we totally unnerstand'boutz your sissy an'mom freakin - our mom worriez'boutz that tue since she already iz blind in one eye an'even tho her "good" eye iz sorta b-havin'rite now - that cood change anytime. So we def'nitely will send u'all alotta Beagle arooooooooz - Beagle-speak fur POTP an'we know our mom iz sendin'prayerz tue.
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

Unknown said...

OMD that squiggle.
On a serious note we pray things will be OK with human sissy. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We send virtual hugs.
Best wishes Molly

Noodles said...

Dear Amber,
Missed you loads and as always, love you.
My assistant has been sorta lame lately as well. I think I have finally convinced her that helping me is her top priority.
Sending your humansister a truckload AND THEN SOME of POTP.
Love Noodles

rottrover said...

Loved the tree rat video, Amber!! And of course we're sending very stron, extra strength POTP to your human sissy!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Amber we are SO very much sorry to hear that the nasty NASTY Lupis is giving your sister such a difficult time. We are sending her POTP and Strong Dachshund VIBES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
We are praying that she will be able to avoid any of this bad stuffs.

We miss you somethingy AWFUL... butt we SURELY DO UNDERSTAND that your assistant needs to be helping your sister.
MUCH LOVE to all of you from our hill.

Marg said...

Oh no Amber, we are so so sorry that your sissy is having so darn much trouble. Poor thing. We all have our paws crossed that she will feel better really soon. Sending lots of purrs too.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That video was quite the hoot - sure made us chuckle:)

We are so sorry your human sister has to go through so much and your Mom too. all paws crossed and lots of prayers from Mom that things will turn around for her soon.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Ruby and Penny said...

That video was hilarious, Amber. Sending doxie feel good rays your sissy's way. We hope she is feeling better soon.

Love Ruby & Penny

Golden Daily Scoop said...

That video was hilarious! We are sending healing thoughts to mom!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That squirrel...bwahaahaa! Almost makes us wish we had squirrels around here.

We're sending healing vibes to your sissy....

da tabbies o trout towne said...

amber...familee furst N bloggin like 905th....we bee sorree sissy iz havin sew much trubull again...manee hugs N purrayers two her & yur familee; we noe thiz iz knot an eazzee time for her or mom ore dad ♥

Duke said...

Your blog background and header picture are just beautiful, Amber! Vasoline is the way to go! The video was hysterical!
We will be crossing our paws and sending your sissy lots and lots of AireZen ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ruby said...

BOL!!!!! OMD, Amber thanks for the tree rat pole dancin'!!! We gots to get her some pasties and a G-string so she can do it up RIGHT!!! Oh, and maybe some dollar bills too...she's gonna need to buy some nuts since she ain't gettin' NOTHIN' from that feeder anytimes soon!!!! BOL!!!!!!
Oh, I am so sorry to hears about your sissy Amber! Oh noes. I don't like this LuPuss at ALL!!!!!! You tell it that all of Blogville is gonna come and bite it in the arse if it don't leave your sissy alone, okays?!!!
Alrighty, I gots to get me a margarita and watch that video again!!!!
Ruby ♥

Linda said...

BOL thats too funny we are laughing loud over here.
I am so sorry your sister is been sick we will pray for her to be healthy again.

xo Cinnamon

Hannalei said...

You just have to enjoy the sound effects in that video! Sound on is a must!! Prayers, rayz and good thoughts being sent your way from Oregon for your sister and strength for everyone that plays the loving supportive roll. <3

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh, I'm so sorry for your sissy! We'll cross our paws extra-tight for her, okay?

Sweet William The Scot said...

Amber you know I always include you sissy in the POTP. Seems summers are not great for us who have Lupus.
The video is FUNNY!
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are sending lots of POTP!
Healing Smileys!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We are so sorry your Sissy is still have such a hard time. Mommy wishes we loved closer so she could help her out.

That tree rat got exactly what he deserved.

♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We have a friend with lupus. It is a very hard disease. You have all our prayers

White Dog Blog said...

Sending powerful White Dog healing energies to your human sissy and we ask the Universe to spare her any more fear or suffering. Please give her gentle licks and tell her not to give away the wonders and beauty of today by worry about long distance tomorrows.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad for that stuff to it keeps the squirrel thingies away. I will cross my paws for your human sissy as hard as I can and I wish her the best from the bottom of my silvermistygrey heart.

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh my goodness...I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying. That was the best...that is one determined little squirrel...I loved the running leap at the end of the video! I wonder...has he given up?

We sure hope your sissy feels better and we are sending all good thoughts and some Husky hugs her way.

Teddy said...

Sorry 'bout your human sissy. Maybe if you lick her a lot and run around her feet you will lose weight. If you figure out a better way, let me know. You'd think we'd sweat it off in this heat. Lady walked all the way home from the market trying! Not me.

Jans Funny Farm said...

OH, dear, we hope your human sissy will start doing better. We send a warm hug for her and all of her family.

We were sorry about Greta. What a terrible shock for her family.