Just tryin' to keeps in touch while me ASSistant is all dis-com-bob-u-lated and out of commission!
Remember her had da eyeball surgicals???
Da FURst eyeball was doin so good dat da dogter decided to do da udder eyeball too.
Well, dat didn't turn out so good and now her has to stay in a dark room away from da lights.
Her right eye is doin great.
Her lefty is all covered wit a big globby of blood. (Picture too gross to show you's)
her eyeball has turned from bein a brown eyeball to bein a GRAY-BLUE eyeball....Even da dogter can't figure out what happened! Has dis ever happened to any of your peeps?
Now her is a MUTANT, just like Brudder Max (DaUdderWeenie)
Since me be almost blind, me is sittin wit Mommy a lot to keep hers company and tellin her dat her will be ok and be able to go back into da lights soon.
So if me be MIA...ya'll NOSE where me is!
On a different topic.....
Remember me sissy, Sarah....
Her be da one dat keeps me clean!
Anywho.....Sissy been under da wedder da last couple of days. We's worried bout hers cause her is 15 years old and can't fight da bugs so good anymore.
If ya'll gots a wittle extra POTP, can you's send a wittle bit in my sissy's direction....?
Me hopes her feels better soon 'cause me eardrums are gettin' a wittle dirty.....
We Loves You All!