Jul 30, 2018

Me Gots a New Sister!!!

Remember Us?
Sure has been RUFF 'round here since da Mommy went to work.  She is working six days a week and just doesn't seem to be able to keep up with things at home......'specially my blog.
BUTT...being da little blind weenie dog that I am....I thinks I's doing a PURRTY good job typing with my paws.

Me and Brudder Max turned 14 years old back in January.  And HER didn't even have a CAKE for us dis year.  BUTT, we loves her anyway.   {sigh}

Now for da good news....we gots a new SISTER.
To makes a long story short....she was found on the streets of Tampa as a stray and taken to a kill shelter.  She was on death row and due to...meet her maker.... the very afternoon that the "Find a Home--Give a Home" rescue came in and picked her up.

The shelter had her listed as "No Name".
The rescue named her "Broken Jaw".
Can you guess why???
She has a broken jaw that is so bad that it can't be repaired.  She was taken into foster care in Ft. Myers Beach where her foster mom gave her a new lease on life.

A month later her picture was posted on the "United Yorkie Rescue" site.  They think that she is a Yorkie-Cairn Terrier mix.  She weighed 8 pounds when she was found in Tampa back in February.  She now weighs 13 pounds.  Mom and Dad just happened to be browsing through the pictures and immediately fell in love with that little broken face.

The top of her nose points straight ahead but her bottom jaw veers off to the left.  There is nothing to hold her tongue in so her tongue is always hanging out.

Mom filled out the application and received a call a few days later to visit her at her foster home.  It was love at first sight.

There were 4 other applications that had to be considered but Mom and Dad won in the end and "Lexi" was delivered to our house by the rescue people.  They immediately knew they made the right decision when they saw how well we all got along.  And also commented that Mom and Dad built our house with us dogs in mind.

Lexi is about 1 year old now.  She has brought life back to a house full of senior dogs (and also a senior Mom and Dad...BOL)

My paws are getting tired of typing so here are pictures for you to enjoy...

Lexi just can't get enough of her squeaky toys.  Mom and Dad say they need ear plugs.

Lexi's best FURiend is Pepper.  Pepper never played this hard since she's been here.  But now the two of them never stop.

One of the bunch!
(Three of my sisters missed being in this picture)

I can't see her BUTT I NOSE she's very special.






ZOOLATRY said...

Awww, welcome LEXI ... you are totally and awesomely adorable. And we are so happy you have found your forever home. And a lucky girl you are because though you may not know it ... it is the Very Bestest Home you could have found! A loving Mom 'n' Dad and lots of wonderful
brofurs and sisfurs. We know you will be happy there ... enjoy!

Hugs and snuggles to you from Dougie Dog, Zoey and Ann at Zoolatry.

easyweimaraner said...

Hi Lexi! I'm so glad you found a new home... you people are da BEST people in da world, they have a heart of gold ... a big hug to you all.

Julie said...

Hiya Lexi, you are adorable sweetie! I just LUFFS your smile, no wonder you Mom and Dad fell in luffs wiv you.
Oh, and I am soooo pleased that you have found the bestest for ever and ever home, you are in fur some GREAT funs little one
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

Lexi is adorable and she found herself the most PERFECT home with all of you!

Linda said...

Hi Lexi.
OMD we have missed your pack here in blogville.
You have found a perfect place to have a happy life & forever home.
Did you know I got a new sister in June for my birthday.?
We have a purple rooster like yours too.
Tell your mommy Hello from us.

xo Astro and Mitzie.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Aww, welcome, Lexi!! I'm so glad you found your bestest home ever just like I did. Blogville is such a pawesome place, you'll love it.

LBJ said...

What a cutie! And she is SO lucky to be in a house filled with so much love.

Welcome Lexi!

Abby Lab

Lovable Lily said...

Lexi, we are soooo excited you found a new home with the FL gang! You be living the life now girlfriend. We can see why your Mom and Dad fell in love with you. You are so beautiful.


C.L.W.STEP said...

We are so glad to see you again after such a long time! What a sweet little sister Lexi is. (And to think she would have been put down if nobody rescued her!) We hope you are all well, and tell Mom not to work so hard. Hope to see you again soon!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

So happy that sweet little Lexi found her furevfur home with you all! Hooray!
She sure is a cutie!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sweet Lexi could not have found a better forever home than yours. She is adorable. We love her tongue - makes her look like she is smiling:) Your peeps are so good to take her in. We hope all goes well for her - she is just adorable.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

She sure has settled in well.....and has landed on her feet in your house of puppy love. Welcome Lexi!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

wavez two ewe lexi frum sum catz in de land oh trout !!! ewe iz one gorgeouz gal N we iz BUZZED HAPPEE ya finded a GOOD LOVING foreverz home ~~~~~ heerz ta manee happee yeerz a head filled with bizcuitz N chew toyz N all grate thingz a pup kneadz ~~~~ ♥♥♥☺☺

Millie and Walter said...

Lexi sure won the stray doggie lotto by landing in your home. She sure is a cutie.

Sue said...

Lexi is very cute and it sure looks like she's enjoying her new family.

Idaho PugRanch said...

How exciting! Welcome Lexi, you are a cutie and have found yourself a wonderful home
Hazel & Mabel

Backcountry Brodie said...

Congrats Lexi, former fellow stray roaming the streets of a big city, BOL. Sometimes that is what you have to do to land a PAWSOME home and that you sure did!

Jans Funny Farm said...

What exciting news! We're so happy for all of you. Seniors do need a little excitement once in a while, but if you really want excitement, you can borrow Marcus for an hour. Lexi has found the perfect home!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness, I can’t tell you how excited we are to see your blog post, we’re sure missed you. Lexi is totally adorable and I can understand how the Mom and Dad fell in love with her, welcome home beautiful Lexi!

Wyatt Airedale said...

Lexi is just the cutest! Congrats to all on your expanded family and may you have many fun filled days ahead!❤️

My Mind's Eye said...

Amber hey girlfriend OMCs it is so good to hear from you and Max and the pack.
14 WOW...I turned 16 in March. Mom says I'm like a trusty Timex...

Lexi was a gift from heaven above and I'm sure all the angels picked her out just for your family. What a beautiful little Terrier (we think) and her name fits her. I love that she settled right in to your pack. She knows she is home. Give your mom a nose tap from us and a hug from mom
Madi your bfff and Mom

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Welcome to Blogville Lexi!!! You have found a pawesome furr-ever home and we know you are going to be so very loved!
Rosy, Arty & Jakey

World of Animals, Inc. said...

We are so happy to see you blogging again. We love seeing your posts. Your mom has been working very hard for you. Glad to see Lexi found a loving home with all of you. The photos say it all. You are all one big happy family now. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Bobbie said...

Oh my goodness! This brought tears to my eyes. How wonderful to have a new sister!!! Your Mom and Dad are angels, truly angels! Lexi is beautiful just like the rest of y'all. Love and hugs from Gracie and me.

Julie said...

Hiya Amber I'm just dropping by to see how thingys are going wiv your new sister? How are you and how is Lexi?
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Ruby's Rescued Life said...

So good to see you my friends! And Lexi, oh my gosh, that face! Love the photo of her with all her new toys - you can see how happy she is. Thank you for welcoming her into your family and giving her a second chance. XOXO

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope all of you are doing well and enjoying some good times with your newest sisfur. She sure is cute.