Jan 21, 2019

Don't Wanna Get Forgotted

Just a little Weenie pup stopping by to say

Hope no buddy is frozen in the North country.
Still nice and warm at my house.

Here is little blind me in case you forgotted what I look like.

And another one of ME
I may be blind BUTT just look at my tail wagging!

Here is Brudder Max and ME
Boy is he gettin' GREY!

Here is Brudder Max and Shelby
What are you doing to her, Max?
(I'm photo bombing with a nap in the background)

And here is Lexi Broken Jaw with her Santa and Annie in the photo bomb position.

And finally all of us waiting for Dad to pass out the treats.
See my tail on the lower right?
Guess I was looking the wrong way since I can't see anything anymore.  I still got my treat though.

And guess what!
After 6 long years Mommy finally updated her own website (with all of us as the stars of course).

If you gots the time on a snowy Monday, check it out and find out what's been going on in our lives over the last six years.  If you have Internet Explorer, you can hear the music and watch the one video that is on the page.  For some reason, the other browsers won't play the music or show the video.

Here is the linky.

Be careful out there this winter and please don't get your paws wet!



Duke said...

How could we ever forget you for you brothers and sissies, Amber? It won't ever happen! Your dad is busy passing out treats to all of you and there are a lot of you! Enjoy~
We're off to check out your mom's website!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are always thrilled to see you sweet Amber!

Linda said...

We could never forget you.
Even though Cinnamon is no longer here,
she passed in 2016.
You were one of our very first friends,
that means a lot to us.
Our mom viewed your "History" page,
you all been very busy with life and moving
house building it makes my head spin. BOL
We hope you are able to post more often.
we'll be here when you do pals.

♥ Linda Astro and Mitzie

C.L.W.STEP said...

Of course we remember you! It was nice to see you and all the other pups in your house too!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Getting our paws wet....or even cold is off the books for us. We're in the middle of a HOT drought! Your eyes don't work, but that tail makes up for it AND we're sure your nose is still in business!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So good to see you, Amber, and all of the rest of the gang too!!! It is very cold here. Today it warmed up to the 30s but the wind chill makes Mom think it is even colder. But you know us, we LOVE the cold.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Jans Funny Farm said...

So glad to see you again, Amber. And your siblings! We somehow missed your video, which we evidently couldn't play in Firefox anyway according to your note, but we did read your updates again. A lot has changed in the intervening years.

Millie and Walter said...

It's great to hear from you and to see that you and your pack are doing well. We're staying as warm as possible here and are buried in snow.

Ruby said...

Forgets YOU????!!!!! NEVERS!!!! I thinks abouts you guys all the times, and miss you terribly! I told Ma we have to go and watch your video nows!
It's warm here too ~ usually when it's warm here it's cold there. I hopes things stabilize soon, so it's not so frigid!!
Ruby ♥

Idaho PugRanch said...

It is great to see you and the gang Amber!
Hazel & Mabel

Tootsie said...

You will definitely not be forgotted!

Love your new webpage and pics. The Keepsake Boxes are fabulous. (Wish I had thought to do something like that years ago with my doggies.)

It gives us great hope that the tubes of fur have such fine wisdom and age, because paws crossed Tootsie will keep on waddling, too. (She's thirteen/fourteen now.)

Wag on,
Tootsie & Renee

da tabbies o trout towne said...

wavez two ewe dawgs frum all oh uz heer in TT !!! in deed we iz eatin frozen fish stix up thiz way but.....mom naturez gonna due what her wantz !!!! hope thiz mesage findz everee one doin soooper grate N dad kneadz ta give ewe all sum DONUTZ !! ☺☺♥♥

da tabbies o trout towne said...

pea ezz...we CRACKED UP at momz "werk foto" !!!!☺☺☺♥♥♥

Lovable Lily said...

We always love seeing the FL crew!


My Mind's Eye said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was a lovely post.
I wanted to wish your Mama a very happy birthday today. It is a special one
just like I had earlier this month
Hugs Cecilia

World of Animals, Inc said...

You are definitely not forgotten. We are very happy to see you wagging that tail for a delicious treat. Great seeing all the lovely photos. Have a fun and wonderful rest of your week.
World of Animals