Aug 28, 2019

No Longer In Our Lives But Always In Our Hearts--Repost

We have missed everyone so much.
I regret not being able to post as much as I would like to due to working a 6-day work week now on a steady basis.

We are all well although we have had a scare with Amber's health.  She is doing fine now and I will try to post about it soon.

Meanwhile I couldn't let Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day go by without paying tribute to all the very special dogs that have been in my life over the last 70 years.  Last year's post pretty much says it all so I am posting it again with all my love.


Today is a very special day as we remember all the pets we have loved and lost over the years.
This year I would like to share the same photo I have used in the past.  Thankfully there have been no additions to the photo this year.

(The photo above includes every dog that has been in my life.  This is a time span of nearly 70 years.  Each one of them has a story to tell and they will always live on in my heart.  You can visit each one of them at:

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day was founded in 2015 by Deborah Barnes, President of the Cat Writers’ Association and award-winning author and blogger at Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles in tribute to her Ragdoll cat, Mr. Jazz, who she had to say goodbye to on August 28, 2013. She shared the journey of letting him go in her critically acclaimed book, Purr Prints of the Heart – A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond and decided to create the day in his honor as a way for others across the world to share memories of their own pets they had loved and lost. 

A special THANK YOU to Deb for creating this wonderful day of Remembrance.

I would also like to remember all the special pets of Blogville lost during 2019.

We will never FURget you.


easyweimaraner said...

we always will remember our angels... and they are still there to watch over us... I'm sure ;O)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs as you remember your sweeties.

ZOOLATRY said...

I know of few others who care so much for the many who are nearing the rainbow bridge ~ you are to be blessed Linda, for taking into your home and heart all the pets who have been abandoned, who need a warm heart and much love in their final years. It is the greatest gift ... and you give so willingly. Thank you for all you do.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Thinking of all our angels today!

Millie and Walter said...

Our pawrents tell us stories of all their Angel Pups. We know how much they miss all of them and try our best to help them by bringing joy to their lives.

Duke said...

It is so hard to lose our beloved furbabies.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You have a lot of Angels for sure, but that is a tribute to all the love you have given to so many furries over the years. Yes, they are for sure in our hearts forever.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Idaho PugRanch said...

A special day to remember all our Angels till the day we are reunited
Hazel & Mabel

My Mind's Eye said...

Each one was lucky to be loved by you and you to be loved by each of them unconditionally!! Hugs madi and mom

C.L.W.STEP said...

You are very lucky to have had that many dear angels in your life. I know you'll never forget any of them.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

A lovely tribute to all of your angels.

da tabbies o trout towne said...



with manee thanx for postin de 2018 remembrance wall ~~~~~~~~~~♥♥♥♥♥♥

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Lovely tribute to your sweet angels.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Cathy Keisha said...

Lovely graphics. Sending comforting purrz on the loss of your Holly this year.

Deb Barnes said...

This is such a beautiful post and tribute to all those you have loved and welcomed into your heart and home. May they all be at peace - purrs from Deb, Mr. Jazz, and the Zee/Zoey gang.

Bobbie said...

It's the hardest part... beautiful tribute to all!!!

pilch92 said...

Beautiful tribute to your angels.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We have cried with you over the loss of some of your blogging dogs and know you have done the same with other bloggers. They sure are missed!

Ruby's Rescued Life said...

So many beautiful angels. I am sure all your babies welcomed Angel Holly to the rainbow bridge. Hopefully Angel Pip is with them, too. Sending big hugs!