Aug 28, 2020

A Special Day of Remembering Our Babies at the Bridge

Today is a very special day created to remember all our furbabies who have gone before us to the Rainbow Bridge.

Our family lost two very special angels this year.  I would like to pay tribute to both of them here today.

Angel Jennie
9/16/04 - 4/7/20

Angel Amber
1/27/04 - 1/12/20

Amber and Jennie will never be forgotten and our home just isn't the same without them.


I will also never forget all the special pups who spent their lives with me.  I know they are all waiting at the Bridge.  Amber and Jennie were added to this photo this year.  This covers nearly 72 years of the dogs who have shared their lives with me.  All are remembered with love.

A special thank you to Deb Barnes of Zee and Zoey Cat Chronicles for sponsoring this event.

We also remember all our Blogville furiends who began their journey to the Bridge this year.


Hugs to all our furiends in Blogville.

Angel Amber
Angel Jennie
Mom & Dad

Apr 29, 2020

My Gift of Love to Mom From the Bridge

A special HI to all my Furiends directly from Rainbow Bridge...
Just wanted every BUDDY to know that I actually earned my Angel Wings and Halo.  My sister, Jennie, is here with me too but she's still working on earning hers.  She is more interested in chasing the butterflies and the squirrels than working on good deeds.

I know my Mom wants to thank everyone for the love and support when Jennie came to join me at the Bridge earlier this month.

Anyway....I was busy working on finding a needy pup to send to my Mom to make her happy again.  I interviewed so many needy pups.  I had to make a quick decision so that I could visit Jennie before she came to the Bridge and have her point Mom in the right direction.

I finally chose the right pup and had her picture appear on the same rescue site where my sister, Lexi, came from.  That way Mom would be sure to notice her.  Sure enough, the very same rescue picked up my choice, and boy, was she needy.

You see, my choice had spent her entire life living in a puppy mill popping out puppies for the mill.  She was estimated to be about 4-5 years old so that's a lot of puppies she produced.  WOW!!

This is the picture of her that I made sure the rescue took so Mom could see it.
She didn't even have a name.....only a number.

Mom saw her picture and immediately contacted the rescue who had her in foster care.  Since Mom and Dad adopted Lexi from that rescue, Mom didn't have to fill out an application.  She talked to the lady at the rescue and was told there were already ten applications submitted that morning but that if Mom wanted her, she would get first choice.  (I made that arrangement with the rescue lady when I visited her in her dreams the night before).

Mom and Dad named her BELLA.  This is Bella on the ride home from the rescue.
Here are some more pictures after Bella arrived in her new, forever home.
 Here is Bella meeting Lexi for the first time.
After Bella settled in and felt more at home, a trip to the groomer was next on her schedule to get rid of all the mats left from her life in the puppy mill.


OMD...where did you go?  Now you only weigh 5 pounds!!!!!

Bella really likes Pepper

And Shelby


Now that we have Bella all settled in with Mom and Dad, Jennie and I can get back to business here at the Bridge.  Jennie really needs to do a lot of work in order to get her halo and wings.

So my furiends, this is my life here at the Bridge.  I'm trying to keep a close eye on my brother, Max, and on Mom, Dad, and my siblings.  A girl's work is just never done!   BOL

And thank you again for giving my Mom and Dad all the support after Jennie and I left.  I know they will be ok now.

Visit you all again soon...

From Amber

Apr 10, 2020

A New Angel Has Arrived at the Bridge

Please click
to visit Jennie's page.

We will never forget her and we take comfort in knowing she is with Amber, and her parents and siblings at the Bridge.

Jan 27, 2020

A Bittersweet Birthday and a Very Special Thank You

Today DaWeenies celebrate a very special
16th Birthday.  
I'm sure Amber was in full party mode at the Bridge while Max is still grieving for his sister, as we all are.  She will always be alive in our hearts.

Hey Sis... why are you hiding in that little box?

 Please Come Out...

Today is our 16th birthday and it's time for CAKE..  Your all-time favorite! 

I don't want to do this alone.. :(

 Only one piece of cake...
but 2 candles.

Gotta do what I gotta do.. 

For you, my precious sister.

A special note of thanks to all of our Blogville friends.  

There are just no words to say thank you enough for the many beautiful heartfelt comments and show of support for our loss of our precious girl.  Even though we've been missing in action for such a long time due to my job taking up so much time, you have all still been there to help get us through this.

Healing takes time and the tears still flow so often and freely at our house for Amber, and also for our little Jennie who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.  Her time is very limited and we make the most of every day we have left with her.

I want to thank Ann from Zoolatry for the beautiful header for this blog and also for Amber's memorial picture.
Ann is also helping me with this month's edition of 'Our Rainbow Friends'.

Also a special thank you to Ingrid (along with Dalton,  Benji, and Pipo) for this beautiful memorial picture.

Finally I would like to thank
Foley, Pocket, and River Song
for their beautiful vision of Amber's arrival at the Bridge.  Grab the tissue box...

Blogville is the BEST!!!

Love you all..

Jan 17, 2020

Forever In Our Hearts

Our beautiful girl is now young and running free at the Rainbow Bridge.  She will always be in our hearts.

Please take a moment to visit her Tribute Page

From the Bridge