Jan 27, 2020

A Bittersweet Birthday and a Very Special Thank You

Today DaWeenies celebrate a very special
16th Birthday.  
I'm sure Amber was in full party mode at the Bridge while Max is still grieving for his sister, as we all are.  She will always be alive in our hearts.

Hey Sis... why are you hiding in that little box?

 Please Come Out...

Today is our 16th birthday and it's time for CAKE..  Your all-time favorite! 

I don't want to do this alone.. :(

 Only one piece of cake...
but 2 candles.

Gotta do what I gotta do.. 

For you, my precious sister.

A special note of thanks to all of our Blogville friends.  

There are just no words to say thank you enough for the many beautiful heartfelt comments and show of support for our loss of our precious girl.  Even though we've been missing in action for such a long time due to my job taking up so much time, you have all still been there to help get us through this.

Healing takes time and the tears still flow so often and freely at our house for Amber, and also for our little Jennie who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.  Her time is very limited and we make the most of every day we have left with her.

I want to thank Ann from Zoolatry for the beautiful header for this blog and also for Amber's memorial picture.
Ann is also helping me with this month's edition of 'Our Rainbow Friends'.

Also a special thank you to Ingrid (along with Dalton,  Benji, and Pipo) for this beautiful memorial picture.

Finally I would like to thank
Foley, Pocket, and River Song
for their beautiful vision of Amber's arrival at the Bridge.  Grab the tissue box...

Blogville is the BEST!!!

Love you all..


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

A sad birthday indeed. Love and hugs to you.

C.L.W.STEP said...

It's so hard to post for someone who is grieving for a lost pet. We know how it feels, and it's devastating! Sending lots of POTP and hugs to your family. We hope when your grief becomes more manageable, you'll keep us updated on the rest of your crew.

easyweimaraner said...

...we miss your Amber so so much... a good birthday with a smile while tears are running...

Duke said...

So sad and it takes so long for the smiles to come back. You did your very best, Max. Hugs to you all♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hugs on this very special Birthday and Max, your Sis would be happy you had some cake. The Bridge arrival story sure make us all weepy wet here.

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday to Max and Angel Amber. We are sending warm hugs to all of you on this difficult day.

da tabbies o trout towne said...


me; tuna, mackerull N cuzin dai$y will help ewe sell a brate heer, we send happee day wizhez, mice creem in dishez a long with plentee oh bizcuitz N dawg bonez..we noe two dayz a ruff one for ewe mom N dad....

may yur yeer a head bee a happee healthee one ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Oh, Max, its hard isn't it? We, Dalton & Benji will wag, wiggle and give some good licks to you. And maybe some woofs, so that Angel Amber can hear them in Doggy heaven.

Happy Birthday, Max!
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Angel Amber.

Big hugs to your Mom, too.

((((( ♥ )))))

Linda said...

We miss you so much.

Astro Mitzie and Linda

Bobbie said...

Awe I did not know that Amber went to the bridge... Happy birthday Max and angel Amber. ((((((HUG)))))) Sending love your way.

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a lovely post about the love of a brother for a sister. We know Amber is so very missed by all. A warm hug!!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Amber will be missed by all of us in Blogville. Our hearts are breaking for you. Purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy from all of us.

Lovable Lily said...

Happy belated Birthday Max and Angel Amber. I know that Lily Belle and Muffin were there to celebrate with Amber.

I think of Max all the time since Amber left for the Bridge and it reminds me of Muffin when Lily left. I put Lily's collar on Muffin and it made a world of difference just being able to still smell her. I believe that was what helped with her grieving Lily's death.

We will say many prayers for Jennie. I know your heart is just torn in two right now.

Sending you all BIG hugs.


Juno said...

Hugs and kisses, sweet Amber.

Pinot and mom xoxo

R's Rue said...


Tootsie said...

I am so deeply sorry for your loss, and I am so grateful for your kind comments about Amber looking over our Tootsie from the Rainbow Bridge. It is such a challenging time to grieve, and our hearts go out to you.

I also want to thank you for your work on the front lines -- out in the store. I'm working from home, but I know so many have to work outside the home, and I am thinking of you with so much gratitude.

Again, thank you so much for your kind words at Tootsie's blog.

Our deep paw love to Max.
Renee & Tootsie