Jan 17, 2020

Forever In Our Hearts

Our beautiful girl is now young and running free at the Rainbow Bridge.  She will always be in our hearts.

Please take a moment to visit her Tribute Page

From the Bridge


easyweimaraner said...

oh no... our tears are running like crazy... Amber we love you and you will be with us in our heart and in our memory.... hugs to you all.... and POTP... a lot.

Zoolatry said...

Amber, you are and always will be ~ the bestest little dachsie ever! Our loss is heaven's gain and they surely welcomed you with open arms ... beyond your bridge you see again, you hear with perfection, you run on young legs, you feel no hurt and are surrounded by love and peace and joy and warmth forever. You were so loved while with us, you shall always be loved by all who knew you here ... farewell, sweet girl.

Zoolatry said...

We just visited the Tribute to Amber, her special page ~ the story and the photos of her throughout the years is heart warming. Thank you for sharing the life of your sweet girl.

Duke said...

We will love you forever, Amber♥ We are so sorry. Hugs to you all♥

Duke said...

What a beautiful tribute to your sweet sweet girl♥

My GBGV Life said...

So sorry to hear about your loss. She has joined so many other wonderful pups and will now run free.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so very sorry that it time for Amber to leave, we so enjoyed her special posts and the joy she brought to so many in Blogville. Thank you for sharing that wonderful girl with all of us. Her tribute page and those photos are so special. We send hugs and love to you during this most difficult time.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We are so sad to hear about Amber! Sending lots of hugs and POTP.

Matilda the Boxer said...

Oh no!! Momma's eyes are leaking. She said she's known Amber a long time, and she was a very special pup. We're so sorry for your loss.

Pam and Teddy said...

Sadly we did not know your Amber but we knew others who did and it sounds like she was a truly precious member of your family. Such a darling face and I know she brought you many MANY years of love and fun. Our hearts are with you - losing our heart animals is the toughest thing - we know.

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Sweet precious Amber
Knowing you and your spunk and love of a grand gathering I suspect you have rounded up all your siblings and friends OTRB. May they surround you and may everyone be forever YOUNG and Healthy
Love Cecilia

Sue said...

Linda, we are so very sorry that your sweet Amber is gone. We're thinking about you and the rest of your pack and sending tons of love. My Porties will keep an eye on Amber and show her around.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Charlee: "We are very sorry to hear about Amber."
Chaplin: "We send lots of purrs at this difficult time."
Lulu: "And I send fluffy tail wags!"
Chaplin: "Run free over the Rainbow Bridge, Amber, and be sure to stop by Tucker's Everlasting Rainbow Bridge Buffet to say hi to him and Dennis and Trixie and get a special treat."

Millie and Walter said...

We're so sorry to hear that Amber has crossed the Bridge. She will surely be missed but will also be happy to be reunited with those that have gone before her from your family. We are sending warm hugs to all of you in her family.

Golden Samantha said...

I am so sorry Linda - Amber was a blogger pal a while back (as golden samantha). And we just lost Sammie. I know how you must feel. Ava sends oodles of hugs your way ❤️❤️❤️

Katie Isabella said...

I am so sorry that Amber has gone to the Bridge. The time of loss is very difficult for we parents. I send my condolences and love to you and the family.

Lovable Lily said...

I'm sitting here in tears reading your beautiful tribute to a little munchkin who lived a beautiful life. I am soooo sorry to hear that Amber has left for the Bridge. I'd like to think that Lily and Muffin met her there and are showing her all around.

Kim & Rolf

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Oh, Linda, we're so sorry of the loss of your beautiful girl Amber. Fly free beautiful Soul🙏Soft Pawkisses to comfort you and your (fur)family🐾😽💞

Just Mags said...

Warm, gentle hugs and lots of love we send to all of you. We are so sorry sweet Amber has crossed her bridge.

Catscue Cat Mom said...

Sweet girl, my heart goes out to all who loved you and are grieving.

Erin the Cat Princess said...

Oh my, I am so sorry for your loss.... Looking through your marvellous album I see so much love, fun, joy and happiness that I know you were much blessed and perfect partners through thick and thin, and the occasional tumble. Sending you all lots of purrs and our condolences – a friend lost to the bridge is never truly lost so long as they stay in our hearts....
ERin & Mrs H

John Bellen said...

I am very sorry to read of Amber’s passing. Looking at her tribute page, I can see how big a hole her absence will make in your lives. She was clearly loved, and a big part of the family. Seeing her next to Max, I can understand how little she was, and seeing her in all the photos, I can understand how happy a creature she was. What a joy she must have been, and what a joyous life she must have had. Godspeed, Amber.

The Island Cats said...

We are so very sorry to hear that Amber has run off to the Bridge. We send you many comforting purrs and hugs.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Godspeed Amber your journey to heaven; we are truly sorry.

mom wrote a beautiful tribute page for you; while we liked all the photos, our favorites are of you as a pup, in your green hat, with your friend mr. shepherd :) and the kibble dispenser

we know your happy, healthy, sighted and are with so many friends; we hope your new "house" is right next ta the "donut shoppe " ♥♥

we send hugs and loves to you, mom, dad, and the family you leave behind ~~~~


tuna, mackerull, dai$y, dude, sauce and boomer

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear Friends I am so VERY sorry to hear this SAD news. Amber was such a sweetheart. She will live on in our beautiful memories of her. Like our IN THE FURS picnic along I-70.
Lana, Frankie and Ernie

pilch92 said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. XO

Sheltie Times said...

I'm so sorry. What a blessing for her to have been so loved on this earth.

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom let out a big "Oh No!" when she heard about Amber Her Tribute page was wonderful. She was such a cute baby and grew to a beautiful lady. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. (((hugs)))

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

Sweet William The Scot said...

I was so privileged to have the pleasure of meeting Amber in the furs along with her family. Amber until we meet again over the rainbow may the blessing of light be on you dear friend.
Sweet William The Scot & Lee

RescuesAndMore said...

I have never seen such an amazing and thorough tribute page as yours!
So sorry you had to put Amber down.
I know she is around you and letting you know she is OK.



Kitties Blue said...

Please accept our condolences on Amber’s leaving for the Bridge. CKD is a tough disease and relentless. We enjoyed sharing your memories with you on the memorial page. Our prayers are with you as you grieve. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer and Mom Janet

Marg said...

We are so sorry about Amber. That tibute page is just the best. We always loved Amber. Just know she had a wonderful home.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am so sorry for your loss and send my condolences to you and all who loved her.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

All we can send are hugs. We know your sweet girl has left a huge hole in your hearts and family....but so many memories, as well. Run free, Amber.

bichonpawz said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Amber. Godspeed little one. Sending many hugs and much love...
Jeanne, Juliet & Romey

What Remains Now said...

I'm so heartbroken for you. Your love for our furry friends is so strong and beautiful, and I know Amber was your special girl. Sending tears and hugs.

catladymac said...

We are so sorry to read of Amber's crossing - but you are right - she is running free with old friends and will never forget or be forgotten !

Frank The Tank said...

Sending all my love to you and your family, it's sad to see so many of my first blogville Furiends crossing the rainbow bridge, I hope Amber will remain in all our hearts, running free over the rainbow bridge with sparkling wings, until we meet again sweet girl, love and licks from Frank XxxxX

Idaho PugRanch said...

Dear sweet Amber, we are sorry you had to make your journey to the bridge but we know you are whole again and running with all your angel furiends. We are sending tons of pug hugs and prayers for your momma, she will miss you lots as we all will
Mabel, Hilda & Mom

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Amber, we were so very sad to hear you had to go to the bridge...We loved you and know you were met by our Dory, Bilbo and so many others when you arrived.
Rosy, Jakey & Arty

lexitheschnauzer said...

It's easy to see on your memory page how much you loved your Amber, and I'm sure she loved you every bit as much. Prayers for comfort during this terrible time of grief.
Amy, Lucy and Xena

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are heartbroken. So very sorry for the loss of your sweet Amber. We know she is missed! Warm hugs to her family!

Ruby and Penny said...

We are so sorry for your loss. We know Ruby and the rest of the fur gang at the Bridge are having a ball.
Hugs Penny and her mom

Colehaus Cats said...

Amber's tribute is beautiful, just as she herself was. Run fast and free, sweet Amber. Sending the softest of purrs to your Mom and Dad, to Max and the rest of your family.

Julie said...

Oh no, I am so very, very sorry to read this. Gonna miss you Amber. Sending lots of loves and hugs to your peeps.
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You are now undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself on the trek, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Amber was one of our first blogpals. We are so sorry she had to leave, but she had a life full of love and so many friends. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

Hugs and Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom too

Ruby said...

Oh my furiend ~ I just found out....I am leaking from the eyeballs, and rememberin' all the funs we had at all our Blogville events. There was nobody I would rather have a beer (or 87) with....or margaritas ☺! I will furever miss you, and I just knows that you are raising the woof off the Bridge right nows! Sendin' lots and lots of loves and {{{{hugs}}}}} to your pack. ♥♥
I loves you furevers you knows....
Til we meets again.....
Ruby ♥

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Amber was one of our first blogpals. We are so sorry she had to leave, but she had a life full of love and so many friends in blogville. Purrs of sympathy and paws of comfort to those she left behind from your friends at ATCAD

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so sorry to hear that you lost your beautiful girl. We read recently that dogs never die, they just fall asleep in our hearts, and every time they wag their tail, we cry...

Woofs and Hugs,
Ollie and #1 of The Poupounette

Tails Around the Ranch said...

So sorry for the loss of your sweet angel. May all the tender memories you shared provide some special comfort.

The Adventures of The Bell Fur Zoo said...

So sorry to hear of your loss!! We are pawraying and sending long distance hugs fur you!!

Matt & Matilda

Timmy Tomcat said...

Amber you have given so many of us here on the blogs so much fun and love over the years it is hard to imagine you will no longer with us. We send your family all our love, purrs and prayers of support at this sad time. You are now with all our friends who have gone before and trying out your new angel wings at the Bridge. Fly free dear friend
Timmy, Dad and Family

Linda said...

We will always remember Amber as one of our
first blog pals Cinnamon will be at the bridge
to welcome her.
We are so very sorry.
Linda Astro and Mitzie

Sweet Dreams Amber.

Linda said...

We just came back here to let you
know Shamrock is going to miss you too.
Now my ma is crying xo Astro

Little Miss Titch said...

Good by Sweet Amber,till we see you again.Hugs to your family,xx Speedy

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are so sorry for you loss. Hugs!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Oh nose ! Our hearts is broken fur all ovs yoo. Amber hads such a hooj persinalti hers will missed so muchli bi so mani ovs us our forts, prayers an lovs are wivs all ovs yoo.
Wivs sadness an lovs Uji, Ziggy, Da Bean, Hiro & Momma Tea