I know so many of you probably won't remember us. It's been nearly four years since our sweet Amber left us. And her "brudder" and co-conspirator, Max, joined his "sisfur" at the Bridge two years ago in January. Our family still has a huge empty spot where DaWeenies used to roam.
We still check in our all our "furends" daily (or as often as our stupid Internet connection allows). We miss you all and so many times wish we could go back twelve years to our early blogging days.
For now I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season along with nothing but good things in the New Year.
I visit your page everyday, and today I was rewarded. Wiahing you the merriest Christmas
We remember you well♥ Merry Christmas to you and your pups!
we will all wayz rememburrz ewe all…we just
hope dad..and mom…rememburrz two get
EWE dawgz…donutz 🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩 we send
de best oh bizcuitz and steakz for ewe, fora
merry christmas anda veree happee ( and
storm safe ) 2024 🦴🦴🦴🥩🥩🥩💙🐟😺💚
We could never forget your sweetest Amber. It's so wonderful to see a post from you. Merry Christmas from all of us!
We remember you and are so happy to hear from you! Merry Christmas!
I was pleased to see your post today. It's hard to lose the furry ones but good to remember them.
We will always remember DaWeenies and all their fur siblings. Have a Merry Christmas!
stoppin bak bye two wizh ewe pupz and mom N dad all sew,
a pawsum awesum mew yeer, heerz hopin each N everee day
bringz sum thin grate yur way 🐟💙🐟💚😺‼️
Dearest Da Weenies of Florida,
Having had my own miniature Dachshund girl Mauzie, I understand about your Angels.
Under the label: Our Canine you will find more posts.
Heya! I remember, play bows,
Timber & family
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