Dec 26, 2012

A Journey Has Ended

It is with much sadness that our furiend
is on a different journey now.
He is spending Christmas with the Angels in Heaven.
This leaves his pawrents heartbroken.

Please stop by and leave a few kind words for his family and his brother, Frankie.


Bobbie said...

So sorry to hear this. Will go give them some ((HUGS))..

Lovable Lily said...

A beautiful tribute to the little man who gave it his all.

We've followed his journey along the way and were so sad to hear he left for the Bridge.

Lily Belle & Muffin

heidibd said...

Thank you so much for this thoughtful tribute. The photo is so beautiful. I'm thankful that Nathan had so many people sending him love.

-Nathan's mommy, Heidi

Remington said...

I am so sorry to hear this....

haopee said...

We're sorry to hear this. We will drop by their bloggy to send our support and power of paw.

By the way, we wanted to greet you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Huggies and Cheese,


HH and The Boys said...

Thanks for letting us know. We just went over and left some purrrs for Nathan's humans.

hugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so, so sorry to hear that news. We will stop over too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to heat that, we will stop over and say hi too.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh no Amber...this is just so heartbreaking for Nathan and his peeps. We're heading over to send hugs.
Madi and Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

So Sad.... We feel terrible.

Unknown said...

Amber we did pop over to send hugs and love.
Best wishes Molly

Random Felines said...

that is so sad - especially this time of year....we will stop over to offer them some purrs

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber, Jet here.

So very sorry to read about your friend, Nathan's crossing, especially on Christmas. We will go visit right now.

Duke said...

We are so sorry to hear about Nathan, Amber. We're heading over.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Jans Funny Farm said...

Very sorry about Nathan. We tried to leave a comment but we can not read word verification!

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am so sorry to read about Nathan. I am crossing paws and Mommy praying for his family. We will go and visit now.

Loveys Sasha

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Nathan <3

Hilary said...

I am so sorry... Run free nathan

heidibd said...

I wanted to thank everyone for the kind words of support. They mean alot to us. We are trying hard to focus on Frankie and keep his spirits up.

-Nathan's mommy, Heidi

Doxie Rod said...

So sorry to read this - thinking of his family and Frankie!!

The Daily Pip said...

Oh gosh, I didn't know Nathan, but I will visit his family now.

Thanks for sharing your experience with the heart meds. My assistant thinks I have already perked up a bit, but maybe she is imagining it!

Your pal, Pip

Just Mags said...

We are sorry about Nathan. We are sending up prayers for the family and friends. Hugs and nose kisses

KB said...

Oh my. I'm so sorry about your friend, Nathan.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about Nathan,we are heading over..

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