Me be so x-cited dat me even had to pop out from me bloggy break to tell all me furiends bout me newest pal!
Yuppers....dat be

Me stolded da Momma's plastic tingy and went shoppin on Monday. And by Wednesday me box arrived!
Dis don't smell like one of da Momma's orders!
Me tinks we hits da jackpot!
Me had to jump in da box to smell all da good stuffs!
Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie)...
Jus' look at all dis cool drool!
Da Momma say NO PEEKING till
December 25!
Ok..Mom (sheesh)
No PeeKing!
Me Lied!
Dat OK, Mom....Me no see so good witout me glasses anyway.
Rusty, get away from my stuffs!
Da Momma said no samples till Christmas
Da Daddy is a pushover!
Him said wee can open one pack.
Hurry Up Dad!
Most of da Pack comed to da Tweeting Place!
Quit messin around and
Thank You Dad
Da new sissies like bweakfast in bed!
Now...fur unrelated nose flashes..
Me still has NO WALLS and NO WOOF
as of dis has some funny lookin WEAVE POLES
just fur me!
Dis might not be so bad after alls.
And now....a request!
Me has a very special furiend named
who lives in North Carolina.
Gretchen doesn't have a blog of her own,
Her really needs da
right now.
Gretchen has cancer and is in partial remission
Her spinal discs are acting all kooky and her can't walk and is in a HOLE lot of pain!
Please send some good healin vibes to my furiend
Me ASSistant is still stuck on her projects so me will still be on bloggy break fur a bit longer. BUTT me be back before Santa Paws gets here.
Can me pleeeeze have anudder one of Mr. Chewy's tweets??
Sending prayers for your friend. That is one of the best Mr. Chewy boxes I have ever seen. I would have gotten in loine 9 times. Although I am a bit bigger someone might have noticed.
Us Beaglebratz r sendin'sum of thoze good Blogville POTP tue Gretchen - Shiloh knowz how painful that bak stuff can b.
An'we agree with Goose - that iza great lookin'box frum Our mom uzually gitz our food frum him an'alwayz gitz a x-tra thing or 2 b-sidez.
Shiloh'n The Diva Shasta
From the mom - about the back problems. After Shiloh was finished with his regular medicines for his IVDD, I put him on a product called DURALACTIN after hearing of it's good results from several fellow Beagle owners. Now I have people tell me they can't believe Shiloh is really 9 years old because he really acts younger. I know one of the posts on our blog talked about Duralactin - would have been in the last month. Just an fyi.
Paw prayers for your friend Gretchen. And your treats look so yummy.
I want a Mr Chewy box. Epic win Amber. Wow that really is some swag. Healing paw and love to sweet Gretchen. We hope she is as well as can be expected. Have a terrific Thursday.
best wishes Molly
I think we could sniff all the yummy's way over here! Funny how you was all peeking and stuff.
We'll keep your furend in our prayers. She sure is a pretty girl.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Amber!! You made out like a BANDIT! We love Mr. Chewy! :) Maybe I'll order Riley some Christmas pressies from him...hmmmm...
We will send the power of the paw for your furiend!
Looks like the renovation project is slowly coming along. Enjoy your break!
Elyse and Riley
You got eight pups at your house??? You could share them and send to me, maybe hehe. Nice box of goodies!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
We're sending tons of AireZen Gretchen's way!
We love Mr Chewy! He's the best!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Oh, it is so good to see you, Amber, and all of your furamily. We love Mr. Chewy too because he gives our Mom such good service. You are luckier than we are because all we get from him is our kibble. We would love some of those treats and toys too. BOL, Lightning says he is going to try getting in line four times too the next time the treats are being dispensed:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
WE are adding OUR POTP to the others... fur poor Gretchen. Get WELL girrrrrrl.
OMD OMD AMBER and CREW... We are REALLY all green with Jelly over that Paw treat dispenser. THAT will be sooooo fun fur all of you...
Mr. Chewy really has SUPER WONDERFUL stuffs... fur ALL of our WANTS and NEEDS.
OMD is right, you hit the mother lode. praying for your friend Gretchen.
You hit the jackpot! Paws crossed and Doxie vibes to your furiend
Oh, poor Gretchen! I'm sending some good healing thoughts her way, and keeping my paws crossed for hers!
Wows! Your chewey box is AMAZIN'!!
Oh, you pups are so lucky! I'm all jelly over heres!
Wow, We're going to have to do some more shopping. We have ordered foodables from Mr. Chewy, but we did not know that they have toys and doggie games :D
Wyatt and Stanzie
Woof! Woof! Sending Golden Love to your friend. Mmmm DELISH Tasty great stuff from mr. Chewy. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Beautiful Amber!! You have the prettiest nose ever!! We are so happy to see all of you enjoying a wonderful package full of goodness and yummy treats!! Yay!!! Enjoy!!
We send many purrs and hugs to Gretchen!! Take care
Sending comforting Cotton Woofs to Gretchen <3
Those Mr Chewy treats look good
Hey Amber what a wonderful post and OMDs Mr. Chewy knows how to make you and your pack happy.
We love the pic a Doxie in a Boxie....maybe you are part feline.
Lots of purrs to Gretchen that her pain is eased and she feels better very soon,
Hugs Madi your BFFF
Oh Amber, we love that last picture. That is the best.
We sure do send lots and lots of purrs to Gretchen and a woof too and the donkeys are crossing their hooves for Gretchen too.
Look at all those doggies. Looks like our house except that we are all kitties. What a great house full of dogs. Take care.
It's a very good thing I do not let the Weens check the internets when I am checking the internet. They'd be very upset and pointing paws at the goodie box and at me and saying unkind things about how abused they are that I don't buy them treats often enough.
WOW what a haul you got there. Yummy!!!
We will add Gretchen into our prayer list. Keep up the keeping on Miss Gretchen and feel better soon!!
Sarah & the Weens
OMD you lucky pups, all you're goodies look so nummy! Your Mummy had better keep an eye on the plastic card ;) hehe
Sending big prayers to your furiend Gretchen!!
Teddy xxx
Oh my yes, that Mr. Chewy is one cool dude and it looks like y'all hit the jackpot! We are all sending purrs and prayers to dear Miss Gretchen.
Oh my, what a wonderful package from Mr. Chewy, look at all those goodies you guys got!
-Brandon's Raiser
Don't forget to stop by our blog and enter the Angry Birds dog toys giveaway!
My sweet Amber, my heart was thumping when Mona told me how pretty you are in that last picture. But I told her and I see you with my heart.
You can use me and my nose whenever you want me but looks like your nose was working good when you was smelling that box.
We loved seeing all the doggies on this post.
We will start praying for your friend because we know whatm the power of the paw can do.
Love you....Weenie
Drop by, I've got something for you:)
I love Mr. Chewy!! He brings the best stuff ever. I am so excited for you.
Loveys Sasha
p.s. paws crossed for Gretchen.
how can it be only 19 more days left!! christmas came early at your house hold this year! we'll be praying for gretchen, keep us updated!
Gretchen is in our thoughts and prayers! Awesome presents! Enjoy!
We love Mr. Chewy too!
We'll say prayers for sweet Gretchen.
We are sending Gretchen our positive thoughts and prayers. Mr. Chewy rocks!
We send powerful White Dog healing energy to your friend. You know how we feel about the c monster and we are wishing extra hard Gretchen is a strong Warrior and wins her fight.
Fromm's Lamb treats are one of our favorites! Good choice for a first sample. Our dad is a pushover, too! But momma is more likely to let us try one of everything. Enjoy all those goodies; we still have not found where momma has hidden our Christmas gifts.
We hope you get walls and a roof soon. We are starting to worry that your family is turning your house into a yurt! BOL!
We are sending lots and lots of POTP for your friend Gretchen and hope she is feeling much better soon!! You got a ROCKIN' box from Chewy!! Isn't that stuff great??? xoxo Chloe and LadyBug (we loved all the PACK pics!!)
Omd Ambew
It's not even Chwissmuss yet and all of yoo awe getting tweats and toys aweady. Way to go!!!!! I am sending cwossed paws and healing smoochies to yoow sweet fwiend. I hopes his pain goes away and he can have a wondewful Chwissmuss too
What a great Mr. Chewy box. A little of everythingy in there... How lucky are you.
Have a great day.
hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles
We are sending prayers to Gretchen and healing thoughts to her too.
You are some lucky dogs there!! Me Chewy is the best!!
PS---- Got your card yesterday!!!
It was great seeing all the Pack!!!
Thank you!!!
Sending healing vibes to your furiend Gretchen.
Your weave poles look like fun! ;) Glad to see progress happenin! :)
You have your Dad trained well my furiend ;) Chewy is a pretty good guy :)
Luv your header!
Waggin at ya,
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