Guess who me DID NOT get to meet da udder night!!!
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Sorry da Momma made you so fuzzy! |
Yep, my furiends....
Me sissys, Autumn and Shelby, got to go meet
in da furs!!!
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What's up dere dat me is MISSING OUT ON?? |
Da Momma figured out dat we only live a few miles from our GeoDog furiend,
So dey went to YAPPY HOUR at
and me DID NOT get to go because da Momma says me and brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie) are just go out in public.
What's YAPPY HOUR for anyway if you can't get YAPPY?
So...dey took Sissys Autumn (who always gets to go places cause her is Dad's velcro dog) and Shelby.
BUTT Mom pwomised me dat we would get to meet Gizmo soon if we were patient (?) Do dat mean we has to be sick to meet Gizmo? Maybe him is a dogter???
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Autumn...Gizmo don't wanna see your butt! |
So me hopes to meet Gizmo meself real soon!
Me got some pressies right from da Rainbow Bridge from me sweetie pie, Angel Weenie.
Me will show dem to ya'll soon.
Also won a raffle prize in da raffle fur BENNY from FRANKIE AND ERNIE.
Will show dat to ya soon too.
And speaking bout da Rainbow Bridge...
Mom published the July edition of
this morning.
Pop on over and leave some words of comfort for the families of those furbabies who made their journey to Rainbow Bridge during the month of July.
Until Next Time...
Amber I was pleased to meet yur sisfurs but can't wait to meet da reall YOU in pawson...da momz have got to work it out (pee ess, yes dere were treats involved in da taking of dose pictures so yur sisfurs owe you some)
Oh that was mean and they had treats for the photo's.. BOL. Well at least you will get to see Gizmo soon and demand double treats, and an ice cream :) xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
You haven't met him yet? Whyyy!!! Nooo...
We can't wait for you guys to finally meet.
Can't wait until you gt to meet Gizmo and thank you for including Foley in your Rainbow Bridge blog
Oh Amber, I am so sorry you did not get to meet Gizmo. Why didn't mom take you? Who cares if you are was YAPPY hour! Gee willy whiskers.
Diva Shasta here - that iz just sooo way NOT fair that your SISSIEZ got tue meet Gizmo BUTT NOT U! An'like u sed - what iza yappy hour fer if u can't b yappy, HUH????????
An'also - ain't U the diva here? Can't wait tue c your prezziez.
Diva Shasta
yah, I never understand, they want us to be friendly but get after us for being too friendly!!!
Jazzi and Addi
Oh no Amber you did not get to meet the pawsome Gizmo. Oh well maybe next time. Yappy....NEVER! Hope you all get to see more of each other. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Moily
That's outrageous! And what a ridiculous excuse- being too yappy my butt. I feel for you!
THAT is just SHOCKING ! We can NOT believe that Autumn and Shelby got to meet Gizmo and YOU and Max didn't. You two are VERY MUCH QUIET... we KNOW beclaws WE met YOU in the furs.
BUTT you WILL get to meet Gizmo fur sure.
Pee S Gizmo posted about the meet and greet and we noticed that your mom had her furs cut. It looks super that way.
Dang, too yappy? Well now, that's kind of silly!
How great! I would like to meet Gizmo in pawson too. What a great adventure. Sorry that you couldn't meet Gizmo, but maybe next time, maybe it is possible to change from yappy to happy (if, please tell me the trick, because I'm also yappy - and my mom is not happy)
Well, the nerve!! You had to stay home from yappy hour cause you're yappy!!?? Hopefully you will get to meet Gizmo soon.
*whispers* Amber...a bad poem doesn't have to rhyme. You should give writing a bad poem and try and enter my contest. The winners ARE the WORST poems. BOL
*Cairn cuddles*
Oh Amber, we hope you get to meet Gizmo really soon. That is too bad you didn't get to go but it won't be long. Have a great day.
WEll we always say here in iowa "yappy is as yappy does!" we thinks you should have gotten to go for sure!
stella rose
Yeah, we saw your mom and dad in the photo but you were missing. Guess you'll all have to get together for a Yappy Hour at a dog yowling friendly place.
I'm so jealous of all my furiends getting to meet other bloggers in the fur! No one ever comes near me.
anber...just call a taxeez cat ta come pik ewe up N they will knot onlee take ewe ta gizmo's place but they will stop at de donut shoppe on de way like yur dad NEVER DID bak earl lee urr :) !!!
heerz two a grate week oh end !!
WHAT?????? You didn't gets to meet the One and Only GIZMO???!!! WTF????
I say Pfffffffft!!!! to that!!
I can not for the life of me see you 'yappy'....I thinks there is somethin' wrong with your Moms ears.
Wells, I hopes you gets to meet the Gizmo very soon Amber!! And, gets lots of treaties. Just sayin'. Lots of treaties.
Ruby ♥
pees: did I say lots of treaties?? ok
Oh, I almost forgots, I wanted to THANK YOU BUNCHES for the POTP!!! It has worked wonders....I'm drivin' Ma crazy tryin' to keep me down. I keep tellin' her 'You can't keep The Ruby down!!!!'
Butts she just gives me 'the look'.
Anyhu, Thanks again!
Ruby ♥
Oh Giz, your sissy got to met Giz at the Doggie Bag well I hear that is like the best place ever. And to met Giz, WOWZA that is like a two for one extra super duper special thing to happen.
Sweet William The Scot
How fun! I like meeting my bloggy friends offline. Sorry YOU didn't get to. Maybe next time.
Hope you get to meet you friend.
That is so cool that they got to meet Gizmo. I bet he smells really good. I hope you get to go next time, it is only fair. I am sure you are not yappy, you just have lots to say and I bet Gizmo would love to meet you. I know I would, we could yap together
Loveys Sasha
Hope you get to meet Gizmo next time!!!
Hey there! This is my first time here, and I would love to say thank you for your comment on my blog. Joker is finally safe at home. So we are all so happy now!
That is awesome that you guys got to meet Gizmo! He is one cool pup! Anyways I'm now following your blog, and I'm so excited to read up your following posts! Have a great day, Francesca
We're with you, Amber--what the heck is a "YAPPY Hour" for if you can't be yappy?? We think you would have been just perfect at the Yappy Hour! At least your Mom *says* you'll get to meet Gizmo soon!
Elyse and Riley
Oh no, Amber :(
I agree with you..."Yappy Hour is for the Yappy"
Hope you get to meet Gizmo soon!
It always make us happy to hear when blog family members get to meet in person! And you are lucky to be close enough to visit again soon! Maybe you and your Brother could meet Gizmo at a Park where it can truly be Yappy Hour!
Thanks so much for your loving supportive kindness during our time of adjustment.
Just stopped over to say Hi! Hope you have a good week!
We sure do think it would be cool if we ALL could get together and meet somewhere for one big YAPPY HOUR!! Wouldn't that be fun??? So glad that your peeps got to meet and better hit Amber up for those treats! xo Chloe and LadyBug
We LOVED meeting you, so we know that Gizmo was just as overjoyed!! :)
I think someone needs to win the BIG lotto and have a huge party for everyone to come!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
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