Aug 27, 2013

Our Raffle Winnings AND Presents From The Bridge

Me won some really cool drool stuffs from da raffle dat
held to help our furiend, BENNY with the cost of him's cancer tweetments.


Mommy is makin me share my stuffs wit da rest of da pack.

It be OK....Me loves to share.

 Brudder Max (DaOdderWeenie), sissy Autumn is getting into our box!

Mom, while I'm posing fur dis silly photo, Max is getting all da stuffs!

Now Shelby and Pepper are gettin into it too.
What goin on here???

OK...finally me gets my turn!

Max picked da green gator and started chewin on his toe!

Pepper grabs my monkey away from Shelby!

Pepper runs off wit my monkey!  Her tinks it be HER monkey now!

Don't worry will take good care of you!

We gotted a couple of Fwankie and Ernie EXTRAS too!

Mom put dis stickey into our window so da PoPo and da fire dudes will get us out furst if dere be an emergency at my house.

Den me got dis cool key chain.  Me tinks Fwankie and Ernie have da keys and will drive da car me won down here personally.  Still waitin!


 Three months ago today my Weenie started him's journey to da Rainbow Bridge.

Butt one day da mail lady brought a box!
 Dis box smells like...WEENIE!!!

 Look, Max....Weenie sent me him's very own turtle and he sent you his whale!

Dis was Weenie's turtle and he gave it to me!

 Max....don't give my turtle a raspberry!

Dis smells like Weenie and me will hold onto it furever!

Oh look...Weenie sent me him's photo too.
And him can SEE again since he got to da Bridge!

 WAAAAA!  Me misses you so much.
{sniff sniff}

 You will always be my only love, Weenie!



rottrover said...

I HATE sharing!! What a thoughtful gift from Weinie!!


Millie and Walter said...

Those sure were some nice pressies. Especially the ones from Weenie.

Millie & Walter

Agnes B. Bullock said...

What wonderful pressies!

Unknown said...

Those are some great goodies and what a lovely pressie from Weenie. We know you miss him. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

NanaNor's said...

We know you all love stuffies-what nice ones you got and the photo of Weenie is so beautiful! I know you get lonely but Weenie would want you to enjoy life with your pack.
Wags, Noreen & Hunter

The Florida Furkids said...

What nice presents. How wonderful to get a present from the Bridge.

The Florida Furkids

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

How WONDERFUL... Weenie sent you a picture of him and his all scented up Stuffies.. What a GUY he WAS... and still is in ALL of our hearts.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww sweet and wonderful Amber!! You are a true romantic! So lovely that your angel Weenie has given you all his lovely things! Awwwww!

Take care

Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful gift from your Weenie. I like your green Gator and I agree, the feet are the best part to start a chewing party. have a wonderful tuesday

Noodles said...

Those are some MAJORLY good raffle-y stuffs you got there. But my favorite is the package with Weenie memories for you.
Love Noodles

Unknown said...

What great raffle prizes you all got! I am so happy you are trying to share Amber, but honestly don't let the others just grab what they want when they want. Good grief. I think it is very special you received a gift from Weenie.
*Cairn cuddles*

Idaho PugRanch said...

What wonderful prizes and pressies you got. It is lovely that you have something special from Weenie.
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

da tabbies o trout towne said...

theeze bee sum way awesum gifts amber N crew N yes, most shirley N trooly weenie can see again N him watches out for N over ewe....24/7


Lovable Lily said...

Holy Guacamole! Look at all those goodies you got. We love the green alligator and how appropriate too.

That Weenie is always thinking! He's at the Bridge and still loves you from the other side. He was one amazing little man.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Duke said...

What superspecial gifts from Weenie! We know you'll treasure those forever!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Scooter said...

Wow, what a super pressie pack from the big raffle! I like that green monkey too. That's a wonderful package from sweet Weenie. I know he's watching over all of us.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Great gifts for a great cause, and wonderful presents from Weenie too

Taffy said...

Hi, Amber! Its so good to see you! Thanks for the wonderful welcome back comment. That is a great package of stuff you won and that gift box from Weenie is so precious. You make sure your momma knows those gifts don't have to be shared!

Happy Tails!

Life with Wrigs said...

Aw, Amber! It's so sweet that you got all those gifts to remember your dear Weenie. That almost makes up for everyone absconding with the loot from Frankie and Ernie's raffle. ;-)

Susan and Wrigs

Jans Funny Farm said...

We were over at Weenie's a little bit ago all teary eyed. But what a nice present.

bichonpawz said...

You got some real nice pressies and special delivery from the bridge! It's so hard when our loved ones leave us, but we will be reunited one day. xo Chloe and LadyBug

Mollie said...

I wouldn't share BOL, what awesome gifts the postie brought you xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

My Mind's Eye said...

Hugs madi your BFFF

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such great gifts, especially the ones from your dear Weenie.

stellaroselong said...

This post made my mommy's eyes get all tearyupped ....i left weenie a message today to tell my stuooopid brudder Sammer that i miss him, and now i am left to contend with the two little devils that live with me now. I know you miss weenie alot. That was so kind of his momma to send you a special forever memory to keep. Those were great winning gifts from the boys also.
stella rose

Stewey said...

Pawsome pressies, Amber!
So nice of you to share them with the rest of your pack!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful gifts you share.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Them raffle thingz r furry most x-ceelant! Frankie an'Ernie pick out sum really neeto-sweeto stuffz.

An'speakin'of sweeto - them mem'ry stuffz frum Angel Weenie - how speshal r they - sooo sweeto!
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Anonymous said...

Aww, those last two pictures of you with Weenie's photo are SO sweet!!! I almost started boo-hooing!

Glad you won all that stuff in Frankie and Ernie's raffle--you share your stuff a LOT better than Riley shares hers! Oh, and see if your mom can write the "10" on the dogs line of your fire sticker in a thick marker or something, so it'll be easy for firefighters to see. (Of course, she probably should write it in pencil since she and dad have a knack for taking in pups!!). :) <3

The very last picture on your post cracked me up! And IIIIIIIII will always love youuuuuuuuu! ;)

Elyse and Riley

Ruby said...

Oh Amber, that pressie from Angel Weenie is the sweetest thing I have ever seen!!!! Ma gots all leaky, and so did I!!
And, WOWSA!!! Lookie at those toys!!! How FABulous are those??! You are just so sweet to share gurl!!
and that window sticker is the smartest thingie ever! I likes it lots!!
Have sweet dreams tonight with your turtle!
Ruby ♥

White Dog Blog said...

What special and very thoughtful gifts Weenie arranged to have sent to you! We know he will always hold a treasured place in your heart.

Thanks for sharing the prizes with your siblings, you are so kind and giving.

rinrinflu said...

presents!!! In case of emergency, lovely dogs inside:)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What wonderful pressies!! It is so nice that you shared, Mama has to buy 4 of the same toys just so we won't fight over them!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

KB said...

Aw, take good care of the turtle... So sweet.

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

How cute you both are.

1000 Goldens said...

That is so awesome you received gifts from the bridge. That is LOVE!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD you got the coolest gifts. I love the Weenie pressie. Remington's Mommy sent me something after he crossed and I treasure it.

Loveys Sasha

My GBGV Life said...

Wow, lots of weenies on this page! My breeder raised weenies too, so I am used to you all! Nothing better in life than being long and short!

Unknown said...

Happy Labor Day! :D

What wonderful goodies you guys got there!! Love the turtle!

♥ Sallie said...

Great presents!

Happy Labor Day!


animal lover, quilt lover said...

Such a sweet post!!! I loved every bit of it so much!!! You all have lots of stuffies don't you??? I haven't had a dog that would let us keep a stuffie since Amamda!! Amanda left for the bridge in 97.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Nice stash of loot you dogs got. We were sad what happened to
Weenie being stung by all those bees when he was having such a nice day. Weenie is still with you Amber in spirit and I knows too he can see again.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot


We know it has been some time but we did want to tell you how very much we appreciate all the kinds words of compassion you left us for over the loss of our dearly beloved Abby. We are humbled by all the support and love we received and there is no way we can tell you how much it meant to us.

Angel Abby & Family

Marg said...

Oh that is such a nice post. We love those last pictures of you loving Weenie. That is just terrific stuff. Hope all of you have a good week end.

Chicco said...

Beautiful presents!

Have a nice weekend.
Woof, woof,


Declan said...

Oh my word; so many great gifts! Really hope you guys are doing okay. Deccy x