Aug 28, 2015

Remembering on Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Today we are joining Zee and Zoey to celebrate

Yesterday Mommy unburied her 87-year-old external hard drive and spent 87 hours looking at all the old pictures of those who came before me and Brudder Max (DaUdderWeenie).
(Her also went through 'bout 87 boxes of tissue)

Since we are DaWeenies, me told Mommy to post 'bout DaWeenies who came before us.

Da Three Weenie Muskateers
From Left to Right

Ginger (Da Mama) -- 6/28/88 -- 10/5/03
Tiffany (Da Sisfur) -- 1/15/90 -- 7/7/03
Bart (Da Brudder) -- 1/15/90 -- 12/4/03

 Ginger was very special and we'll tell you why in a minute.

On January 15, 1990, Ginger gave us 4 beautiful pups.
Two of them stayed with Mommy and Daddy

Tiffany was a wittle me. 

Dis was when her was diagnosed with da "C" monster

Tiffany's Brudder Bart

Bart 9 Days Before Leaving for Rainbow Bridge

(Ginger's special story at the end of this post)

Some of my former packmates now at Rainbow Bridge
(Except for Brudder Max (in front) and Sissy Sarah (far left) 

We shared this pic with you a couple weeks ago BUTT I told Mommy it belongs in this post too.
These are all of Mommy's dogs at the Bridge and includes dogs all the way back to 1948 - before Mommy was born.  Jackie (dog sitting up sideways on the top right) was there to greet Mom when Grandma brought her home from the hop-it-all.


Now a little bit of Ginger's story.
Ginger was the pup who changed Mommy and Daddy's lives forever.  Ginger taught them about acceptance and patience, and also that nothing is impossible.

When Ginger was 4 1/2 years old (December 1992) she became a casualty of IDD - that horrible disc disease that develops in some breeds, particularly Doxie's.  Ginger lost her ability to walk on Christmas Eve.  Mommy took her to the vet in the afternoon who decided to keep her hospitalized and medicated over the Christmas holiday.  So it was 3 days before the vet decided to send her to a specialist.  She needed surgery to repair the ruptured disc in her back, but by the time the surgery could be performed, the disc cut through her spinal cord.

Ginger was permanently paralyzed.

Mommy and Daddy's lives were changed forever.  Mommy had to take classes to learn how to care for Ginger when she was released from the hospital.  Ginger could no longer pee by herself so Mom had to learn how to help her.

Daddy was transferred from Michigan to Florida about the time this all happened to Ginger, so Mommy stayed in Michigan for a year by herself until their house was sold.  She had to rearrange her schedule at work so she could come home during the day and empty Ginger's bladder for her.

Once Ginger and Mom finally got to Florida, Mommy and Daddy had to live their lives totally around the needs of Ginger.  If they were going to be away from the house for any length of time, Ginger always went along.

Ginger accepted her disability and lived her life happily as she continued to amaze all who met her.  She learned the art of flipping her paralyzed back legs over each other like a seal and not only get around easily but actually run (even up and down stairs).  She continued to play chase with her pups as if nothing was wrong.

Ginger continued this amazing way of life for over 10 years until she was 15 1/2 years old when old age took over and she began her journey to the Rainbow Bridge.

Together Forever
Note from Mom:
Ginger was a very special dog and truly left her pawprints on my heart in a very special way.  After she passed on to the Bridge my life became very empty as so much of my time had been dedicated to caring for her.

To fill some of that empty space, a friend suggested that I work on a web page for her telling about her life and how she adapted to her disability and changed our lives in the process.  I once considered writing a book about her but took my friends advice and, with my friend's help, put together my very first web page.  (Up until then I had never done anything like this before)
Once Ginger's page was complete, I took it one step further.
was born featuring stories and pictures of every dog that was ever in my life.

The web site took almost 2 years to complete.  Going through boxes and boxes of pictures looking for just the right pictures and then writing all the stories from my memories of them was so gratifying.  I'm still adding update pages featuring those still with me, although I've become a bit lax since Amber started blogging.

The site has flourished but only because it was inspired by one very special pup who will always be safe in my heart.

Ginger's page can be seen by clicking HERE.  On her page there is also a link to her special page at the official Rainbow Bridge site.  I hope you have time to visit both.



Julie said...

Lovely memories of great doggie dos, thank you sharing them
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

What a special girl Ginger was. You have had so many beautiful pups in your life♥ Thank you for sharing all of them with us.
We're off to visit Ginger's web page.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Lovable Lily said...

One VERY special girl indeed!

Lily Belle & Muffin
p.s. We're heading your way next week! The movers are coming on Wed.

Marg said...

Oh what a wonderful story about Ginger. Linda, you sure are a wonderful Mom to take such good care of Ginger. I know just what you mean about the ones that put paw prints on your heart. I have had many do that. It is so hard when you lose on like that
Our best to Shelly and hope she is doing all right.

Talking-Dogs said...

As I visit the blogs participating today I'm glad I have a box of tissues right here. Certainly needed a few as I read your inspirational story about the amazing Ginger.

ZOOLATRY said...

No words to say here ... you've touched my heart, as you have touched so many.


stellaroselong said...

We didn't nose about this Ginger and her amazing ability and her amazing heart, BUTT we did nose about your amazing heart, we figured that out a long time ago..........thank you so much for sharing this....stellie rose and momma

easyweimaraner said...

It was so great what your pawrents did for Ginger... hugs to you for being such fabulous dachshund pawrents. I saw that 2003 was a sad year for you... so much tears and so much good bye's :o( I know all our furkids have a place furever in our hearts and in our memory...

SlimDoggy said...

What a sweet story about Ginger. Truly goes to show the resilience of dogs! You're very lucky to have shared your life with her.

Matilda the Boxer said...

We remember all our family and furiends who've gone on to the Bridge before us. :( Sounds like you've had some really grreat ones in your family!

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY GOODNESS GINGER WAS A MIRACLE PUP....YOUR MOM'S TLC IS PROOF POSITIVE THAT LOVE CONQUERS ALL. WHAT A WONDERFUL POST....DACHSHUND'S HOLD A SPECIAL PLACE IN THE HUMAN HEARTS HERE. I once heard my mom tell someone that I was Toto the might Doxie (our family's first pet) in a feline body. Well I didn't know whether to bite her or kiss her. But as it turns out it was a compliment...evidently Toto was well loved here. Seems I have a Doxie tude
hugs madi your bfff


Purrs to you on this day of remembrance.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks for sharing everyone with us. Ginger was such a special one.

Little Miss Titch said...

Awww Ginger was such a cutie,snuggles xx Speedy

Idaho PugRanch said...

Thank you for sharing Ginger's story. 2003 was a hard year we see.
Our babies are forever in our hearts
Mr Bailey, hazel & Mabel

Deb Barnes said...

What an absolutely incredible post. Thank you for participating in Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day and for sharing the memories of all your precious pups and especially for sharing Ginger's story - xoxo from Mr. Jazz, Deb, Purr Prints of the Heart and the Zee/Zoey Gang

da tabbies o trout towne said...

manee thanx for sharin theeze waz veree nice two reed about yur hole familee....we noe they R & all ways will be missed.... & loved ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So nice to see all the much loved furries of your past. And what a heartwarming story about sweet Ginger!!! Thanks for sharing.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's an incredible story....the Ginger one. What loving pawrents, too. We, too, have many siblings at the Bridge. We remember them all the time.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Amazing stories all of a grand pack of pups.
Purrs to all
Timmy and Family

M. K. Clinton said...

This is such a beautiful story of love. It made me cry. ♥

pilch92 said...

Beautiful post with lovely photos and graphics.

Ruby said...

OMD, such amazin' doggies, and such a beautiful gurl Ginger! What a special doggie she was..I loves her story! Your Moms and Pops are really special peeps, ya know? You are very lucky to have such loving and special peeps in your life. I wants to give your Moms lots of {{hugs}}}
Thanks for sharing her story!
Ruby ♥

Sweet Purrfections said...

We all deal with grief in our own time and way. I feel emotions so deeply that I have to move forward through grief with happy thoughts in order to survive. My fur children will always have a special place in my heart. How wonderful we can have a day to remember our fur children who've gone before us.

Mom Paula

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a beautiful post about your dogs, especially Ginger. We've been having a hard time reading these posts cause they make us cry, but we're glad we were able to come by to read yours. Each one leaves a pawprint on our heart!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Dear Linda

I read this post on Friday and the tears kept flowing. I reread it again just now and cried again. What a special girl she was.

They are always in her hearts.

Love to all........Sarah & the girls

LBJ said...

Such wonderful memories!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow that was so nice, thank you for sharing all those memories. Mommy was not feeling well for a few days and she missed that special day. She thinks about Angel Sasha every day and misses her.

Ziggy Out!!

I am thinking of all of you and keeping you in my prayers


Sweet William The Scot said...

How our lives are changed by the animals we love. They accept things so much easier than we bipeds. We could learn so much from them.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

FiveSibesMom said...

All such beautiful babies...wish they could stay with us longer than they do, but the joy they give us lsats forever. Thank you for sharing the memories with us. Hugs to you...

The Daily Pip said...

What beautiful angels ...we miss them all! Hope you are doing OK. We have been gone for awhile, but are back now. XOXO

Just Mags said...

What a beautiful post remembering all those sweeties that have gone to the Bridge. I read the post earlier but did not have time to comment then or if I did I have forgotten. What a special little doggie sweet Ginger was. You are very special yourself and have done so much to bring some comfort to those of us that have had to see our sweet dogs and cats go to the Bridge. Thank you and bless you for all you do. Hugs and nose kisses, Maggie, Pooh, Chancy and Popsy