Mar 29, 2017

My Sissy Needs POTP Today.....

Hello-ooooo Out There.
Remember Me???

My sissy, Holly, needs lots of POTP today.

Holly is going to be 17 years young very soon.  She started losing lots of weight and went from 16 pounds to 11 pounds in only a month.

My new dogter took blood tests every two weeks and saw that her liver was failing.  After the last blood test the dogter said at her age she wouldn't recommend running any further tests because of the steady and rapid decline.  Holly's days with us were near an end.

Mommy worked real hard to take special care of Holly.  Then a miracle happened.  Holly gained almost 3 pounds and started enjoying life again.

Years ago Holly developed a wart on the side of her leg.  It never bothered her so the dogter suggested just leaving it alone.  Well, over the last week it started bothering her and she keeps trying to bite it off.  Now it's infected.
Mommy keeps a bandage and a shirt on her so she can't eat it.  BOL

Mommy discussed this all with the dogter last week.  The dogter does his surgeries today and told Mommy to have Holly there at 7 in the morning (YAWN) and he'll do some more blood tests to see how her liver is doing.

He will also decide whether to do surgery to remove the infected wart.

It's a dangerous surgery for a nearly 17-year-old.  Without the surgery she'll be miserable.

So my sissy, Holly, needs POTP (and Mommy needs a tranquilizer).  

And the dogter needs to make the right decision for my sissy.

Thank you all for being here fur us.



Julie said...

Sending lots and lots of POTP, will be thinking of you dear Holly and crossing my paws fur you
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

We are sending you tons of AireZen and POTP, Holly - and hugs for your mom too♥

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Oh dearz - u'all haz so much 2 deal with rite now. Me an'my mom r sendin'out lotza POTP 2 Holly an'prayerz an'peace 2 fer your mom az well az guidance that the dogtor will know the rite thing 2 do.
Lady Shasta

Milton and Mr. Stubbs said...

We are sending POTP for Holly, and calming hugs for momma!

Marg said...

WE sure send tons of POTP to Holly and lots of hugs to the Mom. We know this is so hard for both of you. Wishing you lots of luck. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh Amber we heard about your sister on Zoolatry with Miss Ann and wanted to hurry over here and say that we hope she will have lots more time to spend with her loving family! Infected warts have to be YUCKY and I'm sure she would be lots more comfy with it gone. Seventeen is a ripe old age but we can be old and still have fun and love being around our families. We are sending tons of POTP and love for Holly.....and will say a prayer that things turn out for the best.

Hugs, Angel Sammy and Teddy

Idaho PugRanch said...

Sending pug prayers and POTP for Holly
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

easyweimaraner said...

Dear Holly I cross my paws as hard as I can and we all close our eyes right now to send all our good wishes and lots of potp your way.... and a BIG hug!

ZOOLATRY said...

Sweet Holly ~ we have our paws crossed, woofie and kitty ones (and human, too!) for you, for your wonderful Mommy and Daddy ... and all your special furry siblings. Be well, sweetie. HUGS to all.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all sending purrs and prayers your way sweet Holly and power of the paw times nine too.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We're sorry to hear about your dear Holly. It's so sad when doggies reach that age when everything starts to go wrong. Sending lots of POTP.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Holly we are sending our power of the paw to you. You go girl ~ age is but a number.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Holly and peeps and siblings
We are so sorry to hear that you are struggling. Pretty girl you are for sure a fighter...oh dear me that is a most angry look bump we hope you will get some relief today.
You have given and rec'd so much love what a precious gift you have been
Hugs madi and mom

Linda said...

Sweet Holly we are thinking of you today, and send our biggest
heartfelt POTP to you now.
Have the mom update us when the internets allow.
xo Astro & Linda

Matilda the Boxer said...

We are crossing our paws TIGHT for Holly today!!

Millie and Walter said...

Our paws are crossed for everyone involved. We hope your sissy will feel better soon.

Kismet said...

17! I hope she makes it to 18 and beyond.

rottrover said...

Hi Amber, we're sending POTP to your sissy, Holly today and to your mom and to your dogtor. We are also sending hottie kisses to you!

-Otto and Osa

Little Miss Titch said...

Lots of POTP is winging its way to you Holly from Mummy and Me,we want to celebrate another year with you Holly,xx Speedy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Amber, we send lots of love for your mom, Holly, and all of you. We know the surgery is probably hardest on your mom. We can't send her a tranquilizer but Holly's surgery will be in our thoughts!

Sue said...

We all have our paws crossed and Mom does too. We know about living with a little old lady dog and how delicate they are. Our Morgan lived with liver disease and also had surgery when she was very old. She did well and was a happy girl till the end. We're sending loving wishes to Holly and all of you.

Unknown said...

May you get better much sooner than later.

M. K. Clinton said...

We are sending love and POTP to Holly. ♥ ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are sending lots and lots of POTP Holly's way!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

holly....we hope yur home frum de eeeeeevil place now & chillaxin & de dogturr gived yur mom sum pawsitive nooze ~~~~~ we R sorree N we ask st francis two send manee manee blessingz yur way N ta watch over ewe like 25/8 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Unknown said...

Sending all our best thoughts and healing prayers for your sissy Holly. We want you to have many more days with your sweet sissy!

Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

POor Holly - we can never understand how so many of us can live to such a wonderful age and then have to have all these bad issues. We have our paws crossed and are sending lots of strong Sibe vibes for Holly to be OK.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

We are sending lots of prayers for our friend Holly. No matter how many years a pup has had with their parents it is never enough. We are wishing Holly many more years.

LBJ said...

Poor Sweet Holly. We hope the doctor can remove the Wart so she is more comfortable. Enjoy every moment with her.

Abby Lab and Family

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

POTP heading her way. We hope she is feeling better soon. We know what a worrying time it is in your house. Hugs.

Noodles said...

We are SO with you and sending mucho POTP to your sissy and your MOM.
Love Noodles

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD AMBER... OF COURSE we will send HOLLY 87 TONS of POTP and Crossed Paws and Prayers. We hope that the dogtor can do somethingy to make Holly feel better.
AND we are sending HUGS and CUDDLES to your MOM cause we KNOW how the moms Do FRET. LOTS of LOVE to ALL of you.

Ruby said...

Oh gurl!!! I am sendin' tons and tons of POTP and AireZens and healin' vibes to your Sissy Holly!!!! What a sweetie!!!! And OMD, 17??!!!!! HOLY COW PATTIES! I wants to be her when I grow up!!!! You tells her that all of Blogville is sendin' their loves and {{{hugs}}}} and a couple of pitchers of margaritas for your Moms...I knows how Moms get!!
Ruby ♥

harada57 said...
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